
For paid and volunteer vacancies see the list below. The VUFO-NGO Resource Centre also operates the Opportunities mailing list, which sends emails directly to subscribers. Subscribe here.

In order to post a job announcement on this page, members of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre can simply send email to Use a subject line that describes the job, such as "Vacancy for IT advisor", and include a short description of the job in the email body. If possible use website hyperlinks rather than attaching documents. If you attach documents please use PDF or Word format. In total the attachments should not be more than 500 kilobytes in size.

Non-members can join our membership or “associated membership” and post unlimited number of job announcements in one calendar year. Please contact to join the membership. Non-members can also choose to pay one-time contribution fee for each advertisement. Send email with your job vacancy to Upon receiving our invoice, make a payment of 25 USD (equivalent in Vietnamese Dong) and email us back with a scanned copy of bank transfer. Your job vacancy will be immediately uploaded on the website.

For the first time, a combo of books "Lọt qua khe cửa hẹp - Passing through small door gap" and "Sống Việt Nam, làm quốc tế - Live locally, work globally" is published to provide NGO job seekers a comprehensive guidance on how to successfully apply for jobs and how to professionally work in NGOs and international organizations.

Link to read the books:;

Local Project Manager

Project Coordinator

The Fred Hollows Foundation – Vietnam opens the vacancy for Project Coordinator (Viet Nam)

Please find the attached TOR for more information

Applications Close: 15 March 2024

To find out more about our work, please visit our website

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Da Nang
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2024-03-13

Suppliers to submit your best quotation to supply service for Biodiversity Year Exhibition Event in Quang Nam

WWF-Viet Nam, USAID Biodiversity Conservation would like to invite Suppliers to submit your best quotation to supply service for Biodiversity Year Exhibition Event in Quang Nam.

Detailed information of the announcement can be found here:

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2024-03-04

Request for quotations for a software to collage images taken by drones for forest monitoring and management

Requested by: Fauna & Flora International

Deadline for submission: on or before 11:30 a.m (Hanoi ICT) March 6, 2024

Details can be found here.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2024-03-06

Consultant to provide service for photography for SB2S project in Quang Binh

Save the Children is the leading global independent organization for children. Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach.

We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Save the Children
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2024-03-06

Finance & Accounting Associate; Supply Chain Operations Coordinator

VisionSpring, an international social enterprise, founded in the USA in 2001. Our focus on corporate partnerships serves and advances our mission objective - to increase functioning, productivity, and income earning potential for low-income consumers through the correction of refractive error with eyeglasses. VisionSpring is going to enlarge its activities in other countries, including Vietnam. 

With the expansion of of VisionSpring’s activities in Vietnam, we are now looking for the two positions based in Hanoi, Vietnam as follows:

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Sat, 2024-03-30

Consultancy service on investigating the status of plastic waste and developing the Action plan for plastic waste management in Dong Ha city and Con Co district, Quang Tri province in 2024 and vision to 2030

WWF-VIET NAM: Request for Proposals: "Consultancy service on investigating the status of plastic waste and developing the Action plan for plastic waste management in Dong Ha city and Con Co district, Quang Tri province in 2024 and vision to 2030"

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2024-03-08

Professional Editor

World Vision International (WVI) USA – Representative Office in Vietnam is looking for Consultants as follow:

Professional Editor

Please find the detailed Terms of Reference (attached) and help to forward to people who may interest :

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Sun, 2024-03-10

Consultantcy for developing tools for standardizing procedures for case management of children who are in child labour or at high risks of engaging in Child Labour in pilot communes/ wards in Ho Chi Minh City

With financial support from US Department of Labour, since 2015, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has cooperated with Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) to implement the project “Technical Support for enhancing the national capacity to prevent and reduce child labour in Viet Nam (ENHANCE)”. Through three interconnected and reinforcing components, the ENHANCE project aims at developing a multi-stakeholders and comprehensive solution to prevent and reduce child labour in Vietnam.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2024-03-25

RFQ: Implementing a plastic reduction communications campaign at Con Dao in 2024

WWF-VIET NAM: Request for Quotations: " Implementing a plastic reduction communications campaign at Con Dao in 2024 "

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2024-03-04