Senior Project Officer Rehabilitation

Founded in 1967, Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) is a medical non-governmental and non-profit organization working to support and strengthen leprosy control and rehabilitation activities in
countries where leprosy is still a prevailing health and/or social problem. NLR has been supporting Vietnam since 1981 and is involved in two areas of activity: disease control (detection, treatment
and cure) and rehabilitation of people with permanent disabilities due leprosy. NLR is the current ILEP (International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations) coordinator for Vietnam.
NLR is seeking a qualified and motivated Vietnamese national for the position of Senior Project Officer Rehabilitation
- with a keen interest in people with disabilities and disability issues in Vietnam and other countries in the South East Asian region, prior experience in working with people with leprosy-related disabilities will be considered an advantage who can work alongside our partners in Vietnam for the development of provincial integrated rehabilitation model projects following a community based rehabilitation (CBR) strategy;
- who can contribute to the capacity strengthening of existing provincial rehabilitation and other services in order to facilitate the equal access of people with leprosy-related and/or other disabilities to these services;
- who can help advocate and implement the rehabilitation and CBR components in the NLR country strategy for Vietnam;
- who can work as an active, supportive and responsible team member in our office and in the field within the context of the framework of NLR’s support in Vietnam

For further details please see the attached Job Profile.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Netherlands Leprosy Relief
Ha Noi or HCMC
Application Deadline: 
Sun, 2011-02-20