Rice Sector Policy and Institutional Analysis

SNV has been working in Vietnam since 1995. Using market based approaches, SNV is committed to reducing poverty by catalyzing environmentally sustainable solutions for the poor in agriculture, energy, water & sanitation, and REDD+. In the agriculture sector, SNV is engaged in Value Chain, Inclusive Business and Climate Change (adaption and mitigation) activities. As part of the Climate Change program of SNV, the AusAID funded “Community Based Climate Change Mitigation through Sustainable Rice Production” project in Quang Binh and Binh Dinh provinces in the central region of Vietnam, is helping small-holder rice producers to increase their resilience to the impacts of CC. Climate change is expected to have significant negative impact upon rice production in Vietnam with temperature increases, a rise in sea level and an increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters and extreme weather phenomena (storms, floods, droughts, hot/cold spells) as well as disease and pest incidents. In addition changes to water availability and flows will significantly impact rice production with higher probability of floods in the rainy season and increased risk of drought in the dry seasons. Fresh water demand is expected to increase by 18% of which 12% will be required for agriculture production (World Bank 2010). The water balance sheets up to 2020 indicated adequate fresh water to meet demand, but the lack of water in the dry season will likely increase; needing more irrigation works to effectively maintain and regulate freshwater resources and use. Coupled with frequent tidal flooding, sea level rise, and changes in river and stream flows, water will be an important issue for sustainable rice production.

There are considerable challenges to balance synergies between food security with adaptation and mitigation of the agriculture sector. The most significant is the knowledge gap; knowledge is needed to identify key policy and institutional arrangements that support small holder rice producers to increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change, improve livelihood opportunities and ensure sustainable production systems. In addition there is a need for supporting policies to boost rice production that manage land use; market development to improve the economic development of the sector; and an investment in capacity building and vocational training to increase the skills of labour. This project is aiming to fill some of these knowledge gaps and contribute to sustainable development of the rice sector for small holder rice farmers in the central region of Vietnam.

SNV is seeking short term consultant to deliver the Rice Sector Policy and Institutional Analysis for the project “Community Based Climate Change Mitigation through Sustainable Rice Production”. Detailed requirements can be found in the attached TOR.

Applications should consist of: cover letter which includes specific reference to prior relevant experience and financial proposal; and CV(s) of proposed individual or team of experts.
Deadline for applications: 2pm, Monday 10th December 2012 and should be sent to [email protected]



Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2012-12-10