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RFQ: Website Development Services
Dear prospective service provider,
Tetra Tech International Development Pty Ltd (Tetra Tech) as purchaser is seeking the supply of Website Development Services for the Aus4Skills Program. We invite you to submit your quotation as per the specifications detailed in this Request for Quotations (RFQ).
Quotations and supporting documentation must be submitted by 12 September 2023, 17:00 (Hanoi time) to: [email protected].
Quotations must be submitted by email either in English or Vietnamese. Submissions must be free from viruses or corrupt content. It is your responsibility to ensure that your quotation reaches the email address above on or before the deadline. Quotations that are received by Aus4Skills after the deadline indicated above will not be considered for evaluation. Quotations must be provided in Vietnam dong (VND).
Quotations will be deemed valid for 90 days from the date of submission. At any time during this period, no price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factor will be considered by Aus4Skills.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.
Aus4Skills, under Aus4Vietnam, is a ten-year partnership (2016-2025) between Vietnam and Australia, valued at A$86.4 million. It is supporting Vietnam to build human resource capacity to take advantage of emerging economic opportunities, achieve long term development, and recover from COVID-19. It aims to strengthen relationships between Australia and Vietnam.
The five key components of Aus4Skills are:
- Australia Awards Scholarships
- Alumni Engagement
- Higher Education Capacity Building
- Promoting Industry Linkages with Vocational Education and Training
- the Vietnam Australia Centre (VAC).
Aus4Skills is seeking to recruit a highly qualified organisation (or individuals) to update and re-code two current websites managed by Aus4Skills:
- https://aus4skills.org, which provides an overview of Aus4Skills’ activities in Vietnam and acts as a repository of information for partners and beneficiaries. This website is currently managed through Sky Vietnam.
- https://AustraliaAwardsVietnam.org, the main portal for information on the prestigious Australia Awards program. The website has a peak of visitors during the Australia Awards application period (February to April). The website is managed through WordPress.
Both websites require a full refresh to ensure maximum visual appeal and usability and to strongly position Aus4Skills/Australia Awards in the competitive Vietnamese market. The refreshed websites will also reflect the evolution of both Aus4Skills and Australia Awards in Vietnam as modern, innovative programs that benefit people all across Vietnam. The Aus4Skills website also requires a full ‘library’ and online resource database functionality to be developed and implemented (for example of required functionality, see tvet-vietnam.org/e-library).
Both websites will be hosted by Tetra Tech. Both websites are directed primarily at Vietnamese audiences, with content usually developed in English and then translated into Vietnamese.
The service provider will be expected to deliver the following:
- Participate in briefing sessions with Aus4Skills to inform the development of a plan and timetable for website development.
- Design new concepts (including site map and library functionality) for both websites (desktop and mobile version) in accordance with Aus4Skills and Australia Awards Vietnam branding requirements which are innovative and include actionable ideas for improving the existing websites.
- Adjust concepts for both websites based on feedback from Aus4Skills (including feedback from the Australian Embassy).
- Prior to full coding, provide two demonstration websites for review to demonstrate functionality and usability.
- Adjust the demonstration websites based on feedback Aus4Skills (including feedback from the Australian Embassy).
- Develop two new websites on the same hosting platform, with full functionality on desktop and mobile and compatibility with Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Chrome). The two new websites should be coded by WordPress to get systematic management with all other Tetra Tech websites.
- Ensure websites meet best practice for Search Engine Optimisation and provide recommendations to Aus4Skills where content needs to be adjusted.
- Ensure compliance of the websites with the accessibility guidelines of W3C (www.w3.org).
- Adjust websites based on final feedback from Aus4Skills (including feedback from the Australian Embassy).
- Support Aus4Skills in launching both websites and respond to any emerging issues.
- Provide logons and access information for both websites, and training/guidance for Aus4Skills staff as required.
- Provide advice, and implementation if required, for search engine optimisation of website layout and content within three months of implementation.
- Ongoing, ad hoc support with technical issues, minor redesigns and maintenance, as requested by Aus4Skills, for up to two years after the project is finalised.
- The websites must be ready for launch within four (4) months of the contract commencement, and in line with the following timeframes:
- Demonstration layout/structure to be submitted to Aus4Skills within one month of commencement.
- Demonstration website to be submitted to Aus4Skills within one month of agreement to proceed to layout/structure.
- Completed websites ready to launch within one month of agreement to demonstration websites.
- Aus4Skills will provide all content for the websites and feedback on layout and structure.
- Aus4Skills will support the translation of website content into Vietnamese, however, the service provider will be expected to provide technical support. (e.g., menu names).
- Aus4Skills will provide administrator access to both existing websites as a reference point as required.
Potential service providers must demonstrate the following:
- Previous experience in the performance of similar services, with at least five (5) years’ experience in designing visually appealing and navigation-friendly websites
- Strong familiarity and relevant experience in using WordPress and CMS
- Sound knowledge of current web development technologies and design tools in the field, and recent trends for website usability and design
- Expert level knowledge the use and configuration of search engine optimisation, Google Webmaster tools, Google developer tools, and mobile device adaptation.
- Fluency in Vietnamese and English
- Proposed fees, noting that Aus4Skills is not bound to select the service provider which proposes the lowest price and reserves the right to negotiate costs.
Please include the following in your submission:
- Profile of the organisation or CV of individual which demonstrates involvement in website design work in the last five (5) years
- Financial quotation for this assignment.