Request for Tender to Deliver Alumni Impact Development Surveys (ADIS) (AM 2259) in Vietnam

Aus4Skills has recently released the following Request for Tender to deliver Alumni Impact Development Surveys (ADIS) (AM 2259) in Vietnam. 

All RFT documents including templates are attached and available on the Coffey International Development website:

The last closing date for submission of tender is 14 May 2018.

If a Tenderer finds any discrepancy, error or omission in the RFT or wishes to make any enquiry concerning an RFT, it is to notify us at [email protected] in writing by the date indicated in the RFT. Where appropriate, answers to any such notices or questions will be provided to the registered tenderers in the form of addenda.

Tenderers who wish to submit a proposal are to email it to Loan Nguyen at [email protected] by the deadline indicated in the RFT documents. Please see the RFT document for specific tender submission instructions.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2018-05-14