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REQUEST FOR QUOTES: Provide and revise an online self-study platform E-learning to improve knowledge and understanding of Tuberculosis
FHI 360 in Vietnam with funding from The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Support to End Tuberculosis (TB) Project is seeking professional contractors registered to operate in Vietnam to provide the development of Viet Nam NLH-NTP E-Learning platform. This E-learning platform offers healthcare professionals a convenient and effective way to improve their knowledge and understanding of tuberculosis. Through interactive modules, expert-led video lectures, and real-world case studies, the platform provides a dynamic learning experience accessible anytime, anywhere. This empowers healthcare professionals to confidently diagnose, treat, and manage tuberculosis cases, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes and the global fight against this infectious disease.
I. Background
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide, with an estimated 10 million new cases found in 2019 alone. Yet, as a disease, TB is both curable and preventable. Vietnam ranks 16th among 30 “high burden” countries - which account for 84% of all new TB cases worldwide.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Support to End Tuberculosis (TB) project’s overarching goal is to support the Government of Vietnam (GVN) to successfully detect, treat and prevent TB ?. The five-year project will support the GVN in the ambitious effort to end TB in Vietnam by 2035, defined as reducing the TB burden, reducing deaths due to TB, and eliminating patient catastrophic costs from this disease. USAID Support to End TB is implemented by FHI 360 in partnership with the National TB Program (NTP).
Besides, the training of basic and specialized knowledge on the detection, treatment, and prevention of tuberculosis for medical staff is being regularly implemented by the National Lung Hospital - National Tuberculosis Program (NLH-NTP) through organizing direct and online training classes with lecturers of NLH-NTP. With this form, besides the advantages, there are also some limitations such as the number of organized classes as well as the number of participants being limited due to limited funding; students are required to stop their professional work to attend training... Therefore, there needs to be a more convenient form of training so as not to limit the number of students, not to limit time, not to affect professional work and medical staff can choose knowledge content suitable to their individual needs. Therefore, an online self-learning system (E-learning) with easy-to-access, simple, and available features is necessary and suitable for the needs. With this system, NTP can easily provide knowledge to staff at all levels within and outside the system, as well as quickly grasp the knowledge gaps of medical staff to focus on supplementing and improving when implementing direct training.
We are seeking a qualified vendor to (1) provide an e-learning platform (with 2 options: renting or purchasing) and (2) modify the platform in relation to the needs of NLH-NTP and project.
III. Requirements: see attached RFQ
IV. Submission
Questions Due Date:
November 5, 2024. Submission of questions or requests for clarification must be submitted in writing via email to [email protected] and [email protected] by 5:00PM Hanoi, November 5, 2024. Please note that inquiries and answers to inquiries will be shared with all applicants. Please do not contact any FHI360 employees regarding this RFQ. Contacting individual employees may be cause for disqualification. No Telephone Inquiries Will Be Answered.
Proposal Due Date:
November 15, 2024. Complete proposals must be submitted via email to [email protected] no later than 5:00PM Hanoi, November 15, 2024, with email subject “SET-Quotation for E-learning Platform”
Only shortlisted vendors will be contacted.
A purchase order may be awarded in VND to the responsive vendor whose quote is evaluated as most advantageous to FHI 360 (technically acceptable offer and with total highest evaluated score).
All prospective vendors must comply with the safeguarding policies of our organization. Any violations of the policies may result in immediate contract termination without liability for the organization.
- FHI360 may cancel an RFQ and/or not make awards.
- FHI360 may reject any or all the responses to its RFQ.
- Issuance of an RFQ does not constitute award commitment by FHI360.
- FHI360 reserves the right to disqualify any application based on offer or failure to follow RFQ instructions.
- FHI360 will not reimburse applicants for the cost of preparing and submitting an application to an RFQ.
- FHI360 reserves the right to issue an award on the basis of an initial evaluation of offers without further discussion.
- FHI360 may award grants for only part of the activities listed in an RFQ.
- FHI360 reserves the right to check an applicant’s donor references.
- FHI360 also reserves the right to reject any or all applications received without explanation.
- FHI360 has the right to issue amendments to the RFQ at any time.