Request for Proposals – Market Research on HIV Commodities and Services: Market Size, Value and Future Trends Analysis

PATH, through its USAID Healthy Markets project (HM) in Vietnam aims to grow a viable commercial market for HIV-related goods and services – including condoms, HIV testing and counseling (HTC), and low dead space syringes (LDSS) – that is capable of meeting the needs of populations facing the greatest risks. The project will leverage private-sector solutions, expertise, interests, and assets to identify market opportunities and catalyze market responses to the HIV epidemic. HM will support a phased transition from an environment where condoms and other related HIV prevention goods and services are predominantly subsidized, to one where non-subsidized commodities, services and distribution channels are the norm.

PATH through this RFP is seeking a qualified consultant or research firm to conduct supply analysis of HIV related commodity and service markets.  The purpose of the study is to estimate the market performance of HIV related commodity and service market, identify key drivers influencing to the markets, and project the trends and future outlook for above HIV related products.

Interested parties are encouraged to review the RFP noting the response dates required.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2015-04-13