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Professional Copy Writer and Graphic Designer
VBCF Final Report Writing and Design
1. Overview
The Vietnam Business Challenge Fund (VBCF), funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and managed by SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is designed to support the private sector in Vietnam to develop innovative Inclusive Business models that deliver both commercial benefits for the companies and social benefits for the low income people including job creation, income improvement and access to affordable goods and services.
VBCF is committed to providing financial and technical support to 16 Inclusive Business ventures across three areas, including agriculture, low-carbon growth and infrastructure & basic services, over three years 2013-2015. For further information on VBCF, please visit our website www.vbcf.org.vn VBCF is looking for a professional copy writer (English native speaker is preferred) and a graphic designer to develop VBCF final report, including 16 case studies.
2. Completion report and business case writing
2.1 Objective: The final report and case studies (hereinafter referred to as ‘publication’) is part of VBCF sustainability strategy. It aims to feature and disseminate the experiences, lessons learnt and the impact that VBCF-supported business initiatives have delivered. The publication will also be used as one of the communications tools to promote challenge fund approach and inclusive business model.
2.2 Key audiences:
- Impact investors, development donors
- Governments/policy makers
- Business community in and outside of Vietnam
- International and national development community
- General public
2.3 Required contents
- The approach and modality of VBCF
- VBCF size of investment and portfolio
- Profitability of inclusive business ventures supported by VBCF?
- Social impact in terms of jobs, income improvement and better access to affordable goods and services for low income populations, and the environmental impact of VBCF-supported businesses, thereby the sustainability of inclusive business model and VBCF support is highlighted
- Scale up potential of this challenge fund model and its businesses supported by VBCF
Note: the contents are subject to change based on the outcomes of the discussion between the writer and VBCF/DFID team.
2.4 Language: English and Vietnamese (translation service from English into Vietnamese to be provided by VBCF).
2.5 Format:
- Well written and professionally designed printable and web-uploadable publication
- Good combination of copy writing and graphic design is preferred
2.6 Deliverables:
Print-ready publication (including original artwork and pdf versions) in both languages to be delivered on 31 October 2015
3. Requirements
- Professional copy writer (English native speaker is preferred) and graphic designer with proven track records of producing publications of similar type
- Proven experience with SNV/VBCF is an advantage
4. Timeline
- Selection of copy writer and graphic designer: 16 September
- Contract negotiation and signing: 16-18 September
- Meeting with VBCF/DFID team to discuss specific requirements and timeline: 21 September
- Collecting/review inputs from VBCF: 21-25 September
- Copy writing: 26- September – 15 October
- Translation into Vietnamese/graphic design: 15 Oct-31 Oct
Interested copy writers and graphic designers are invited to send their proposal, including professional profile with relevant experiences, a work plan and price quotation to Ms. Nguyen Dao Tuyet Nga at [email protected] by 15 September 2015.