National Intern


As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. We work in a variety of fields and support our cooperation partners in designing strategies and meeting their policy goals. GIZ Viet Nam is currently engaged in four priority areas: 1) Vocational training; 2) Environmental policy and sustainable natural resource use; 3) Energy; 4) Sustainable Economic Development. Gender equality is one of the key values of our company and of the work we do. Fostering gender equality in our project operation and our internal equal opportunity provisions are two strategic pillars of our corporate identity and policy. For further information please visit our website: 

The joint Vietnamese-German technical cooperation programme “Reform of Technical Vocational Education and Training in Viet Nam III” (TVET Programme) aims at the Vietnamese TVET system being increasingly oriented towards supporting a socially just, green, and digital transformation of the economy (“Just Twin Transition”). It is funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with counterpart funds from the Vietnamese Government. The implementing agencies are the GIZ and the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) under the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA). To reach the project’s objective, four main outputs have to be achieved:

  • Output 1: TVET stakeholders on macro level are increasingly advising on the alignment of the TVET system with the socially just, digital, and green transformation (twin transition).
  • Output 2: The TVET network is empowered to offer cooperative initial and further training for the socially just, green, and digital transformation (twin transition).
  • Output 3: TVET institutions have planning and exchange tools for implementing the socially just, green, and digital transformation of the TVET system.
  • Output 4: The technical and conceptual prerequisites of TVET for a climate-relevant sector are established for successful development-oriented skilled labour migration.

In 2021, the TVET Programme advised DVET on the development of the Digital Transformation Programme in TVET which was approved by the Vietnamese Government under the Decision No. 2222/QD-TTg on 30 December 2021.The TVET Programme has a structural approach to the six components of DX in TVET, which include 1) Training content, 2) Teaching, training, and learning methods, 3) Teachers, trainers, and students, 4) Digital infrastructure, platforms and learning resources, 5) Digital governance and administration, 6) Regulatory frameworks, and two overarching issues that include: Data connection and Cyber security. This structure promotes a holistic and consistent approach of DX in TVET among key TVET stakeholders. The structure forms a basis for organizing, monitoring, and evaluating the support for DX activities of the TVET Programme for TVET partners in Viet Nam.

The programme is offering an internship opportunity with details below:

National Intern
Station: Hanoi, Vietnam
6 months, starting as soon as possible from June to December 2024

Main activities:

The Intern will learn and practice to perform the specific tasks by assisting theTeam Leader and Junior Programme Officer to achieve outcomes and outputs in the assigned areas:

  • Support the organization of trainings, workshops, seminars, meetings, and other activities related to DX in TVET. In particular, the National Intern supports the development of preparation plans, event checklists, budgeting, registration, responses to participant’s inquiries, onsite workshop activities, activity reports…,
  • Participate in internal and external meetings and assist with documenting meeting minutes,
  • Assist with document translation and interpretation (Vietnamese/English),
  • Support the liaision with TVET partners regarding the implementation of DX activities,
  • Support the preparations for reports, PR and communication documents,
  • Supervise and ensure correct file names, folders and manage all documents on MS Team and DMS system.
  • Assist Digital Ambassadors in implementing DX activities at their colleges when needed,
  • Perform other duties and tasks at the request of management.


  • Vietnamese citizen, who is currently a final year or fresh graduate (within 6 months after university graduation),
  • Part-time work experience, especially in event organization, is a priority,
  • Minimum GPA of 3.2,
  • Strong verbal and written communication both in English and Vietnamese.
  • Responsible, motivated, positive, attention-to-detail, result-oriented, and confidence

Apart from amonthly internship allowance, the successful candidate will enjoy good learning environment and professional and dynamic working conditions.

Interested candidates are invited to send the latest curriculum vitae, cover letter and copies of relevant certificates and references by email to not later than June 6th, 2024

Note: Please state Application for theInternship – DX in TVETin the subject line. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted after the deadline. Telephone contact is not encouraged.

Please visit our page at more internship and job opportunities.


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2024-06-06