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National Individual Consultant/ Group of consultants for Gender and Social Inclusion in Sustainable landscapes
Vietnam Forests and Deltas (VFD) is a USAID-funded program which is implemented in 4 provinces of Nam Dinh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, and Long An from 2013 to 2018 under the executive management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and technical assistance of Winrock International, SNV Netherlands Development Organization, American Red Cross (ARC), Vietnam Red Cross (VNRC), and Sustainable Rural Development Centre (SRD).
The Sustainable Landscape Component of the Program will support land-use practices which maintain forest resources and enhance environmental services. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through improved forest management and afforestation together with investment in promoting climate resilient livelihoods are the basis for the sustainable landscapes approach in Vietnam’s forested areas. Training programs within provinces will demonstrate methods for achieving measurable improvements in carbon stocks and environmental services as well as leveraging ecosystem service financing. The provinces of Thanh Hoa and Nghe An have been selected as pilots for moving Green Growth strategies and policy into practice through innovative land-use planning that is inclusive of local government, civil society, and the private sector.
Social Inclusion
As one of the guiding principles, the program seeks to ensure mainstreaming a gender and inclusive perspective in the whole planning and implementation process. Implications of the program interventions on both women and men, and the most vulnerable and disadvantaged group are carefully considered to ensure that they benefit equally from the program. Participation of youth as an active actor is also promoted in relevant activities of all components.
In elaborating of an adequate mechanisms for effective participation of all stakeholders and to ensure that the rights and interests of the program’s target groups, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, are protected, VFD is requesting an Expression of Interest for technical services from a consultant or group of consultants to conduct an analysis on gender and social inclusion issues in sustainable landscapes in Thanh Hoa and Nghe An. The results of this assignment are crucial inputs for development of sustainable forest management strategies and strategies to improve livelihoods to reduce deforestation and degradation in the target provinces.
We are seeking for National individual consultant/ Group of consultants for a study to assess issues and make recommendations that provide inputs to ensure social inclusion and gender mainstreaming in forest management and livelihood interventions
Please see the TOR for detail information
All the Application should be sent to this email address: [email protected]
Deadline for application is on 22 April, 2014