National consultants to conduct the “Situational assessment of HIV/AIDS prevention and control toward the implementation of National Strategy’s goals to End the AIDS epidemic by 2030”

Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Vietnam


National consultants to conduct the “Situational assessment of HIV/AIDS prevention and control

toward the implementation of National Strategy’s goals to End the AIDS epidemic by 2030”

I.      Background:

The global LHSS project helps low- and middle-income countries transition to sustainable, self-funded health finance systems that support high-performing overall health systems. The LHSS activity in Vietnam will work with the Government of Vietnam (GVN) to advance greater local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control. Led by Abt Global, the four-year activity will support Vietnam in increasing its domestic financing for HIV and TB services in the context of declining donor funding, using government resources more efficiently, and assuming local ownership of HIV and TB prevention and control activities. Specific objectives are: (1) Support the GVN to strengthen its public financial management systems for public sector health and find greater efficiencies in social health insurance (SHI), (2) Increase and improve the efficiency of domestic financing of HIV prevention and treatment services; (3) Strengthen the capacity of Vietnam's supply chain management system; and (4) Transition of TB services into SHI.

The Government of Vietnam (GVN) approved the National Strategy to End the AIDS Epidemic by 2030 in Decision No. 1246/QD-TTg dated August 24, 2020. Vietnam’s National Strategy to End the AIDS Epidemic represents the GVN’s political commitment to respond to the Strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 of the UNAIDS at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Major donors such as PEPFAR, the Global Fund, and UN donors have all approved the strategy to end the AIDS epidemic and the plan to fund different countries to push forward the countries’ commitment toward transitioning the HIV/AIDS response from the international funding to domestic financing, together with the goal of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

Major HIV/AIDS donors, including PEPFAR and the Global Fund through UNAIDS, initiate countries to develop their sustainability roadmap for HIV/AIDS prevention and control towards 2030 and beyond. To prepare for this, the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC) will conduct a Situational assessment of HIV/AIDS prevention and control toward the implementation of the National Strategy’s goals to End the AIDS Epidemic by 2030" and the development of sustainability roadmap to control HIV epidemic beyond 2030, with technical and financial support from the LHSS project funded by USAID. The recruitment evaluation team consists of four national consultants responsible for the following areas: 1) HIV Prevention; 2) Care and Treatment; 3) Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E); and 4) Capacity Building Strengthening and Financial Assessment.

II.     Tasks and Deliverables:

2.1. National consultant specializing in HIV/AIDS care and treatment


The consultancy will closely work with the HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care Department and relevant departments of VAAC to carry out the following tasks:

  • Estimate the demand for ARV treatment and develop ARV treatment targets by 2030;
  • Collect and compile information on the outcomes of ARV treatment implementation nationwide;
  • Review and analyze the current ARV treatment situation, the system of related documents regarding the expansion, and the maintenance of an effective and sustainable ARV treatment program;
  • Identify risks and solutions to mitigate risks in expanding and maintaining an effective and sustainable ARV treatment program;
  • Draft solutions to expand and maintain an effective and sustainable ARV treatment program.


  • A draft report on the current status of ARV treatment in Vietnam, including content as described in the Tasks;
  • A final report on the current status of ARV treatment in Vietnam must be approved by the Care and Treatment Department/VAAC;
  • Consultant monthly reports on the progress of task implementation and supporting documents if relevant;
  • Final consultancy report upon completion of the consultancy task.

2.2. National consultant specializing in HIV Prevention


The consultancy will closely work with the HIV Prevention Department and relevant departments of VAAC to carry out the following tasks:

  • Collect all available information and map out the services for HIV/AIDS prevention and harm reduction interventions, including detailed information on beneficiary groups, key stakeholders, funding sources, and achievements compared to objectives;
  • Analyze program gaps in HIV/AIDS prevention and harm reduction interventions and major barriers affecting the progress towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030, including financial, human resources, policy aspects, and other factors;
  • Propose specific solutions to address identified issues;
  • Recommend risk mitigation solutions to ensure effective implementation of measures and goal achievement.


  • A draft report on the current status of HIV prevention in Vietnam, including content as described in the Tasks must be approved by the HIV Prevention Department/VAAC;
  • A final report on the current status of HIV prevention in Vietnam must be approved by the HIV Prevention Department/VAAC;
  • Consultant monthly reports on the progress of task implementation and supporting documents if relevant;
  • Final consultancy report upon completion of the consultancy task.

2.3. National consultant specializing in HIV M&E and testing


The consultancy will closely work with the HIV M&E and testing Department and relevant Departments of VAAC to carry out the following tasks:

  • Collect all available information and map out the services/activities of the Health Information System, Monitoring & Evaluation, HIV/AIDS testing, including detailed information on beneficiary groups, key stakeholders, funding sources, and achievements compared to objectives;
  • Analyze gaps in the information system, monitoring & surveillance, testing, and major barriers affecting the progress towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030, including financial, human resources, policy aspects, and other factors;
  • Propose specific solutions to address identified issues;
  • Recommend risk mitigation solutions to ensure effective implementation of measures and goal achievement.


  • A draft report on the current status of HIV M&E and testing in Vietnam, including content as described in the Tasks must be approved by the HIV M&E and testing Department/VAAC;
  • A final report on the current status of HIV M&E and testing in Vietnam must be approved by the HIV M&E and testing Department/VAAC;
  • Consultant monthly reports on the progress of task implementation and supporting documents if relevant;
  • Final consultancy report upon completion of the consultancy task.

2.4. National consultant specializing in Capacity Building Strengthening and Financing


The consultancy will closely work with the Finance and Accounting Department and relevant Departments of VAAC to carry out the following tasks:

a. Financial Resources for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Activities 2025-2030:

  • Update estimates of financial resource needs based on adjusted targets of programs for the period 2025-2030;
  • Update and consolidate projected financial resources mobilized for HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities during 2025-2030;
  • Analyze financial gaps and shortages and provide policy analysis forecasting financial sources, including both domestic and international resources, that can be mobilized to narrow the financial gaps;
  • Propose sustainable financial resource mobilization solutions and recommend necessary policy adjustments to implement proposed solutions and risk mitigation solutions.

b. Quality Human Resources for Strategy Implementation:

  • Review the current structure of service provision and management of human resources in HIV/AIDS prevention and control;
  • Analyze policies and present the current status of the HIV workforce in HIV/AIDS prevention and control;
  • Propose solutions to enhance the quality of human resources in HIV/AIDS prevention and control;
  • Risk mitigation solutions.

c. Organization of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Systems:

  • Analyze trends in organizing HIV/AIDS prevention and control systems, including service provision and management;
  • Analyze policies and the involvement of agencies to propose direction for organizing HIV/AIDS prevention and control services in the upcoming period.
  • Analyze and propose risk mitigation solutions.


  • A draft report on the current status of Capacity Building Strengthening and Financing in Vietnam, including content as described in the Tasks must be approved by the financial accounting Department/VAAC;
  • A final report on the current status of Capacity Building Strengthening and Financing in Vietnam must be approved by the financial accounting Department/VAAC;
  • Consultant monthly reports on the progress of task implementation and supporting documents if relevant;
  • Final consultancy report upon completion of the consultancy task.

III.    Location and timing

The expert's assignment is home-based in Hanoi, with regular consultation with the LHSS team, planned for the period from June 2024 to 30 August 2024.

  • Three national consultants responsible for the following areas: 1) HIV Prevention; 2) Care and treatment; 3) Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) and testing: A total of 25 working days for each consultant.
  • One national consultant responsible for Capacity Building Strengthening and Financial Assessment: Total of 35 working days.

IV.   Requirements:

4.1. Qualification requirements

4.1.1. National consultant specializing in HIV care and treatment

  • A bachelor's degree or higher in epidemiology, statistics, medicine, public health, or relevant disciplines;
  • At least 10 years of relevant work experience, particularly in HIV/AIDS epidemiology, statistics, surveying, and mapping;
  • Familiar with methodologies in epidemiology and statistics analysis;
  • Good understanding of policies and regulations on HIV/AIDS, particularly HIV/AIDS care and treatment services;
  • Ability to work effectively with departments of VAAC and other related government agencies;
  • Language requirement: Vietnamese. The ability to speak English would be an advantage.Top of Form

4.1.2. National consultant specializing in HIV prevention assessment

  • A bachelor's degree or higher in epidemiology, statistics, medicine, public health, communication or relevant disciplines; 
  • At least 10 years of relevant work experience, particularly in HIV/AIDS prevention and community, surveying, and mapping;
  • Familiar with methodologies in epidemiology and statistics analysis. 
  • Good understanding of policies and regulations on HIV/AIDS, particularly HIV/AIDS prevention and community;
  • Ability to work effectively with departments of VAAC and other related government agencies;
  • Language requirement: Vietnamese. The ability to speak English would be an advantage.

4.1.3. National consultant specializing in HIV M&E and HIV/AIDS testing assessment

  • A bachelor's degree or higher in epidemiology, statistics, medicine, public health or relevant disciplines;
  • At least 10 years of relevant work experience, particularly in HIV/AIDS HIS and M&E, surveying, and mapping;
  • Familiar with methodologies in epidemiology and statistics analysis. 
  • Good understanding of policies and regulations on HIV/AIDS, particularly HIV/AIDS HIS and M&E;
  • Ability to work effectively with departments of VAAC and other related government agencies;
  • Language requirement: Vietnamese. The ability to speak English would be an advantage.

4.1.4. National consultant specializing in Capacity Building Strengthening and Financial Assessment

  • A bachelor's degree or higher in health economics, health financing, public finance management, or relevant disciplines;
  • At least 10 years of relevant work experience, particularly in HIV/AIDS financing, and public finance management;
  • Familiar with health economic analysis and programmatic gaps;
  • Good understanding of policies and regulations on HIV/AIDS, particularly HIV/AIDS financing;
  • Ability to work effectively with departments of VAAC and other related government agencies;
  • Language requirement: Vietnamese. The ability to speak English would be an advantage.

V.    Management of the assignment

All deliverables must be reviewed by the LHSS/Health financing specialist and approved by the Technical Director. The consultants can direct questions to the LHSS/Technical Director throughout the consultancies.

To apply, please send your CV and an application letter to the following email:

Deadline: May 15, 2023

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Abt Global
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2024-05-15