Legal Reserch Position

Apply for a pro bono legal research position in the international Legal Research Group of the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), an independent international legal research centre, jointly with the environment & sustainable development programs of the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO). Join law and graduate students from Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, McGill, Stanford, Montreal and other universities to gain experience, opportunities, professional development, and build great networks in the fields of environment, development, economics and law.

For more details on this position, see or email [email protected].

Successful candidates may become engaged in a variety of research projects linked to the following themes: climate change; biodiversity & biosafety; natural resources; trade & investment; human rights & poverty eradication; health & hazards; and governance, institutions & accountability.

Upcoming projects and publications may include:
a book on sustainable development in international courts & tribunals (with Cambridge University Press)
a book on sustainable development in world finance law
a project involving a study of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (with the Convention on Biological Diversity)
a Sustainable Development Law on Climate Change Paper Series (to be published in the international journal Climate Law and launched at an international conference during the COP17 in Durban).
a textbook on human rights and climate change
a collection of policy briefs on best practices in climate compatible development (to be presented at a side event at the Durban COP17)
a working paper series on legal empowerment for sustainable development (to be launched at a side event at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio in June 2012)
a working paper series on legal aspects of indigenous sustainable management of natural resources
a legal manual on disaster risk reduction
a project on sustainable management of water resources in New Delhi
a project on legal preparedness for climate change in Kenya
and much moreā€¦

If you are interested, please submit a CV along with a 1-2 page statement of interest, to [email protected], with copies to [email protected] and [email protected] by October 14th 2011. Final selection will take place immediately after this deadline. The CV and statement of interest should include details on any relevant publications, academic & professional experience, research interests, language proficiency, and country of residence. Research group members are based everywhere in the world, in developing and developed countries. Writing samples are also accepted.

Thank you for your interest in the CISDL & IDLO.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2011-10-14