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Intern for Finance Department
Contract duration: 3 months, from 15th November 2013 to 15th February 2014
Commencement date: As soon as possible
- The Finance Support Officer position is vacant
- The need of a temporary person to support Finance function to fulfil routine work in the time of processing staff recruitment
- The year-end period is a busy time for finance to complete 2013 accounts
Scope of work
- Claims/requests are checked against approved budget, accuracy and legitimacy of the voucher to ensure the full compliance with AAV’s financial policies.
- Telegraphic bank transfers are made following the bank’s guidelines and AAV’s requirements.
- Bankbooks and bank statement are reconciled on monthly basis.
- Vouchers and financial documents are filed properly and in good order.
- Bank statements are received and filing at the end of the month.
- Others (as assigned)
Work setting
Full time (7.5 hours per working day, from Monday to Friday) and be based in Hanoi office of AAV
Qualifications required
- University degree in Finance management or relevant field.
- Committed and honest
- Priority is given to those who have worked as Volunteers for AAV before
Internship allowance
- Allowance for Intern will follow AAV’s cost norms
- Budget source: from FSO staff cost
Other benefits and responsibility
- AAV will write reviews and acknowledge after the collaboration period of the Intern with AAV if s/he meets AAV’s requirement.
- The Intern is responsible for following all instructions of AAV staff and ensuring quality of work. If the Intern fails to meet deadlines and quality requirements, his/her contract is terminated by AAV within 5 working days of notice.
- The Intern is required to keep all information and data of Finance Department confidential and for internal use. If s/he discloses such information to a third party outside AAV, s/he will be responsible for that loss of intellectual property and his/her contract will be terminated immediately by AAV.
Interested candidates should send applications to [email protected] before 28 November 2013.