Institution/agency to support the training and consultation workshops on addressing Child Labor Risks in Coffee and Shrimp Supply Chains in highly risk-prone areas in Viet Nam

UNICEF is seeking a highly qualified institution/agency to support the training and consultation workshops on addressing Child Labor Risks in Coffee and Shrimp Supply Chains in highly risk-prone areas in Viet Nam. 

Details of the assignment can be found in the Request for Proposal LRPS-9191284 and Annex B-TOR attached at link:

Deadline for submission: 24:00 hrs, 16 July 2024, Vietnam time

Email for submission of proposals: [email protected]

Email for queries only: [email protected] (by COB 12 July 2024, Vietnam time).


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2024-07-16