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Final Evaluation Consultant for the Rural Water and Sanitation Capacity Building Project, Kien Giang
ToR for Final Evaluation Consultant for the Rural Water and Sanitation Capacity Building Project, Kien Giang
Final Evaluation Report Deadline: August 31, 2012
Draft Evaluation Report Deadline: August 17, 2012
Application Closing Date: May 31, 2012
Purpose of the Final Evaluation:
The evaluation should determine the project’s impact, especially related to behavior change and increased access to cleaner water and sanitation and land use rights certificates. The project’s effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, as it relates to the community and government policy should also be considered as well as value for money, benefits and negative aspects in design and execution. The evaluation will assess progress against the baseline, logframe and other related documents, report lessons learned and make recommendations on how the project could expand or be replicated, to be of use to and hold accountable all project stakeholders.
Purpose of the Project:
The purpose of the project is to empower the poor and by increasing their capacity to obtain their rights, and/or changes in the access to and quality of services, specifically to improve the health of and economic security for the population in four of the most impoverished districts in Kien Giang province (KGP), with broader province-wide impact, to at least 184,000 citizens, through enhanced ability to claim entitlements and improved delivery on policy commitments.
Habitat for Humanity Vietnam, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Great Britain with funding from the Department for International Development, began implementing activities for the Rural Water and Sanitation Capacity Building project, in Kien Giang province since April 2009 and will complete the project in June 2012.
This project aims to support the Government of Vietnam (GoV) in attaining its National Target Programme for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (2006-2010) (NTPRWSS) objectives of improved health and living conditions in rural areas. Expected outcomes include improved health and wellbeing for the population of four of the most impoverished districts of Kien Giang province (KGP) and increased water, sanitation and hygiene awareness for at least 184,000 people KGP-wide.
To address the shortage of practical and appropriate water and sanitation (WatSan) solutions the project is developing the capacity of individuals, the community and government structures; promoting and facilitating active community engagement in decision making processes; and aiming to improve government service providers' capacity, ensuring they are better equipped to deliver quality WatSan services. An Information, Education and Communication (IEC) strategy has been developed and implemented through the formation of Water and Sanitation Committees (WSC), supported and coordinated by local government.
Scope of Work:
The evaluation will be carried out by a lead evaluator and a team of temporary staff to carry out surveys and/or other research related work, e.g. logistics, translator etc.
Responsibilities of the Lead Evaluator:
- Submit inception report detailing the, scientifically significant, methodology to be used to complete the evaluation
- Review all project relevant documents (which must include approved project proposal, original project logframe, subsequent amended logframes with the rationale for the changes, annual project reports, including financial information , any case studies submitted to the donor, means of verification as stated in the logframe, midterm evaluation and the baseline, by which you will report on progress)
- Create a schedule and workplan for the entire process of the evaluation
- Create questions for impact surveys for beneficiaries as well as for individual
- Interviews (IDI) with key stakeholders, including staff and partners of the project (questions must take into account all outcomes and indicators the logframe)
- Manage the team conducting the survey
- Manage and verify the data entry and be able to explain what steps will be taken to ensure data quality
- Contact the assigned person(s) within the organization to ask questions while you are in the field so that any information that is unclear can be made clear without delay
- Write and submit the draft report to the project team for written comment before finalizing the report, to minimise the chance of inaccuracies
- Incorporate feedback of stakeholders into the final evaluation report before submission
1. Final Questions for Surveys and IDI/Focus Group developed (in Vietnamese and English)
2. Hard copies of all surveys filled in
3. SPSS and/or other data entry files
4. Report in English of no more than 30 pages (plus appendices) in Microsoft Word using Arial font 12 in the format specified by the donor, which must specifically address the following topics:
a. Impact and results
b. Empowered target groups
c. Value for money
d. Efficiency
e. Economy
f. Innovation
g. Sustainability
h. Realisation of Risks
i. Climate and Environment
j. Contribution to the donor’s objectives and the Millennium Development Goals
Report format to include:
a.Table of Contents
b.Abbreviations & Acronyms
c.Basic Information (1 A4 page maximum) (Name of person who compiled the evaluation report, including summary of role/contribution of others in the team and the period during which the evaluation was undertaken)
d. Executive Summary (2 A4 page maximum)
e.Report covering 1) topics listed in point 4 above (template provided by donor 3) Lessons Learned 4) Recommendations
f.Achievement Rating Scale, template provided by the donor
g.Annexes :original and the final logical framework; evaluation terms of reference; names and contact details of the evaluators along with a signed declaration of their independence from the project team; evaluation schedule; people met; documents consulted; statistical data on baseline, statistical data on final evaluation surveys SPSS files, questionnaire; end of project survey and IDI questions in English.
Applicant’s Requirements:
- At least 5 years experience conducting final evaluations for similar organizations
- English fluency; Vietnamese fluency also preferred
- Bachelor’s Degree; Master’s or higher preferred
- Experience conducting evaluations for awareness raising, water & sanitation, land use and/or human rights
- Organized & detail oriented
- Effective communication skills
- Highly communicative
- Good management and teamwork skills
- Flexible
This position is open to all nationalities.
Please send CVs to [email protected] no later than May 31, 2012