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Facilitator/Trainer for Baseline Survey
The Intergeneration Deaf Education Outreach Project - IDEO
JSDF – TF 099058
Facilitator/Trainer for Baseline Survey
Project: Intergeneration Deaf Education Outreach
Title: Facilitator/Trainer for Baseline Survey
Report to: Project Manager
The Intergenerational Deaf Education Outreach Project – “IDEO is implemented by World Concern Development Organization (WCDO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) through four years (2011 – 2015) in four provinces of Hanoi, Thai Nguyen, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City. The Project is funded by the Japanese Social Development Fund, entrusted to the management of the World Bank.
Project Goal:
To assist young deaf children to integrate into mainstream society, by piloting an innovative joint family and institution-based delivery system comprising screening, family support, and preschool services.
Main Objectives/Components:
Component 1: Demonstrating joint family-institution pre-school education for deaf children and developing essential knowledge base
The component aims to create affordable ways of helping families with a deaf child via a 5-fulltime-person Family Support Team (comprising of two deaf "Family Mentors", one sign language teacher, one hearing teacher of the deaf children, and one hearing communication facilitator/interpreter) placed in each of the six centers/schools countrywide.
In each selected center/school a model classroom will be established and resourced for use during training and to try out checklists and procedures, etc. The program will provide deaf children with early opportunities to acquire sign language in parallel with the ongoing opportunities to learn to speak through speech therapy and build up their parent’s knowledge and confidence about their children's capacity to communicate, learn and engage with a wider community.
An essential knowledge base will be established to support training, monitor the efficacy of educational approaches for young deaf children, conduct demonstration of program mechanisms and outcomes, and devise assessment tools for language development of the child. This knowledge base will provide information on preschool deaf education from local and global sources within Vietnam, and also support the use of research-based knowledge during decision-making processes about educational placement and communication for deaf children.
Component 2: Developing professional human resources for pre-school deaf education
This component aims to train deaf adults to become family educators, hearing signing people to facilitate communication between hearing and deaf people in family and school settings, and hearing teachers of deaf children to assess and accommodate student language needs so that together they can provide effective preschool readiness services for deaf children and their families. This component will support the demonstration model in Component 1 to form Family Support Teams (FST). There will be the involvement from various international and national experts in training and supervising the activities.
Component 3: Building capacity and partnerships for the deaf communities and raising awareness for general public
This component focuses on creating partnership between deaf communities, families, and educators. Through this component, the capacity and motivation of deaf people to contribute to human and social development in Vietnam will be demonstrated. Furthermore, the nascent deaf organizations will gain valuable lessons and experience in program development and operations, which will serve them well as they seek to establish a national association of deaf people.
The hired facilitator/trainer will take the responsibility to train and equip project implementers and local partners to set up a baseline data system, develop the monitoring tools and procedure in order to: (i) assess the situation of targeted groups and resources related to the interventions of the Project; (ii) document the process and provide accurate information that will be used as foundation for interventions, and a comparable basis to measure the results and impact of the Project later.
Specific objectives:
1.Develop the baseline study methodology and agreed with the project management team (WCVN and MOET)
2.Determine needs for education of deaf children aged 0-6 and their families in the target areas;
3.Identify and analyze local resources in providing screening, educational services for deaf children such as deaf adults to be trained as deaf educators/mentors, hearing signers to be trained as SL interpreters, hearing teachers and schools/centers to improve their capacity in teaching/supporting deaf children;
4.Gather information to as a basis for determining interventions for measuring the results and impact of the interventions.
Expected outputs:
1.A database of 0-6 deaf children and their families with information on educational accessibility of deaf children at the community level and parental knowledge and attitudes shaping behavior towards deaf children
2.Profiles of selected centers/schools for project’s demonstration model;
3.Information of the number of preschool deaf children screened for medical interventions and preschool children received family-institution support.
4.Information & analysis on general situation of local deaf groups, local agencies and organizations and their readiness and willingness to assist in support of deaf children’s development;
5.List of prospective interviewees for targeted trainings that includes:
- Deaf adults to be trained to become educators and mentors
- Hearing signers who meet criteria to be trained as SL interpreters
- Hearing teachers from selected schools/centers
6.Final report and documentation of the process and tools used.
Scope of work:
The assignment will be carried out in four provinces Hanoi, Thai Nguyen, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City. Specific tasks include:
1.Outline a proposed design for BSL work which includes suggested methodology, tasks, timelines and costs;
2.Facilitate discussion among project team and local partners to seek consensus;
3.Develop material and tools to collect baseline information from national to local levels including national partner, deaf communities as school/organization, community, family and relevant local authority;
4.Design scope, coverage of the survey as well as survey sampling;
5.Facilitate/provide orientation/training to the survey team members on the survey methodology and actually coordinate the work to meet the desired quality and in line with survey objectives;
6.Conduct/coordinate activities during the survey, including meetings, field visits, interviews, data collection and field observations with representative samples of survey communities;
7.Analyze and process collected data, incorporating comments and inputs from concerned people;
8.Prepare and submit report including final report, documents, files and other materials and conduct final presentation timely.
Qualifications and experience requirement
Master degree in education and social science fields or related area
Experience in carrying out need assessment and baseline data survey, including survey design, implementation, data processing preferable for INGOs.
Experience in analysis skills, facilitation skill in training workshop
Substantial experience in Deaf education, Deaf communities and social research methods;
Demonstrated capacity to work effectively in a team, to manage a range of tasks, to work pro-actively and with diligence, and to manage resources effectively while meeting deadlines;
Excellent report writing skills in English.
High level of fluency in one or more natural sign languages will be an advantage.
Assignment modalities and duration
The facilitator/trainer will carry out this assignment in association with national consultants and local partners with estimated 20 working days within a period of about 2 months from June to July 2012 and payment to be negotiated and based on qualification and experience.
Travel costs outside Hanoi including meals, hotel and transportation will be covered by the Project.
Estimated start: June 2012
Contact person:
Le Thi Kim Cuc - Project Manager
World Concern Development Organization
# 1403; 101 Lang Ha, Hanoi
Tel: 04 35626310/11 – ext. 105
Email: [email protected]