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Consulting Services for Design, Development, Implementation and Maintenance of the Management Information System for Railway Infrastructure
Aus4Transport / STREAM B Activity – Building A Management Information System for Railway Infrastructure (VNRA-MIS)
Design, Development, Implementation and Maintenance of the Management Information System for Railway Infrastructure
The Aus4Transport Program is a facility granted by the Government of Australia via Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to the Government of Vietnam via the Ministry of Transport (MOT). The goal of the Program is to increase investment in Vietnam transport infrastructure leading to an improved national transport network that supports economic growth and poverty reduction.
The Program covers two streams of activities. Stream A – facilitate project development; and Stream B–unlock opportunities through innovation to strengthening transport capacities through revised policies, guidelines and practices, testing of new concepts, and addressing bottlenecks in project development and financing.
Part of the grant proceeds will be used to support the design, development, implementation and maintenance for Railway Infrastructure (VNRA-MIS) being managed by Viet Nam’s Railway Authority (VNRA). VNRA-MIS will be an online web-based platform, developed with open-source technologies. Development will follow an Agile Methodology from its beta version to version 1 and during the commission period of 12 months.
Based on funding availability, development will follow a priority order, being: (a) development of a software framework and master database, (b) development of an e-office software and reports, (c) completing data-driven technologies for asset management and operations and management, (d) VNRA vehicle management and logistic monitoring.
The services (the Services) will be carried out by a suitably qualified and experienced firm, and will include: (i) detailed design approved by VNRA and DFAT; (ii) development of the system from beta version to version 1, (iii) pilot project with end-users (including data collection and entry, and system testing) (iv) development of technical and training documentation, (v) IT capacity building for key VNRA staff managing the VNRA-MIS mainly through “on-the-job” training; (vi) support capacity development for the VNRA-MIS administering and managing staff and assist with the dissemination of the VNRA-MIS to the end-users (VNRA’s staff and O&M contracted companies, MOT agencies, and other agencies as appropriate), and (vii) commissioning of VNRA-MIS for 12 months.
Development services will be specified in the detailed design approved by VNRA and DFAT. Any identified additional development or upgrade will be assessed post VNRA-MIS implementation and if approved, will be managed through a contract extension.
The VNRA-MIS development will require a team comprising as a minimum of: information systems web developers (minimum of 2), web designer (minimum of 1), Mobile Developer (minimum of 1), Web GIS data processing specialist (minimum of 1) and Business Analysts (minimum of 2). The provision of services and the contractual deliverables will be directly managed and monitored by Aus4Transport and VNRA.
Aus4Transport now invites eligible national firms to submit expressions of interest (EOI) for the provision of Services. Interested firms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The EOI should include: (i) Proof of company registration (ii) Company profile, experience and portfolio; and (iii) CVs of the proposed project team leading persons, who should have excellent communication skills in English.
Pre-qualification Eligibility for EOI:
The firm should:
- Be legally based in Hanoi, Vietnam;
- Be registered and specialised in delivering IT development services for at least the past ten years; and have working experiences with government authorities;
- Have conducted successfully at least two management information systems projects with a minimum budget equivalent to USD80,000 per project;
- Have conducted successfully at least one project using geo-spatial technology (e.g., GIS data for analysis, modelling, simulation and visualisation) applied in state governance information systems;
- Have conducted successfully at least one project applied in state governance information systems.
Relevant experience with MOT, VNRA, international organizations/companies and/or MDBs or DFAT will be considered as an advantage.
Consultants should not associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy agreement to enhance their qualifications.
Short-listed firms will be invited to submit technical and financial proposals in due course. Consultants will be selected in accordance with a quality and cost-based selection method.
Further information can be obtained at the address below by email only.
All the submitted documents must be in English (e.g., company registration must be public notarized in English).
EOIs must be delivered in a written form to the address below by mail and in electronic form to aus4transport@dt-global.com. The deadline for submission of the EOIs is 14:00 on 17 December 2021, Hanoi time.
Aus4Transport Office
Suite 10-03, 10th floor, HCO Building
44B Ly Thuong Kiet Str., Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
E-mail: aus4transport@dt-global.com