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Consultants and/or a Research Center to Conduct GHG Emissions Measurement from Rice Fields
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) measurement from rice fields in Quang Binh and Binh Dinh
SNV has been working in Vietnam since 1995. Using market based approaches, SNV is committed to reducing poverty by catalyzing environmentally sustainable solutions for the poor in agriculture, energy, water & sanitation, and REDD+. SNV is engaged in the agriculture sector implementing Value Chain, Inclusive Business and Climate Change adaption and mitigation activities.
From 2012, SNV has been developing and implementing a project “Sowing seeds of changes – Community Based Climate Change Mitigation through Sustainable Rice Production” which is funded by Australian Aid. Rice production systems are vulnerable to climate change impacts as well as being the major contributor to greenhouse gases (nitrous oxide and methane) emissions in the agriculture sector (IPCC 2006)*. The project aims to support small holder rice farmers in the north central (Quang Binh) and south central (Binh Dinh) provinces of Vietnam to improve their income, and to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from rice production. It works with local agencies to build their capacity and knowledge on climate change, on low cost and low emission rice production systems, specifically System of Rice Intensification; and to support these agencies to better support farmers and develop sustainable rice production plan. To ensure higher income from rice production systems, the project promotes inclusive business** and value chain development to create growth and market linkages between different rice value chain actors for sustainable cooperation. In addition, the project is exploring bio-energy solutions that utilize rice residue (husk and straw) biomass to reduce GHG emissions and alleviate negative environmental impacts from rice residue waste disposal.
GHG emission measurement is extremely important activity of the project. It provides practical data and scientific analysis of GHG emission in SRI field and conventional practices in systematic and recognized methodology. As off September 2013, 2 pilot SRI crops has been cultivated in 8 communes of Quang Binh and Binh Dinh province, inlcuding 482 ha of the recent 2013 Summer/Autumn crop. In that Summer/Autumn crop, GHG emission measurement has been undertaken in in both Quang Binh and Binh Dinh province and has shown positive results.
SNV is seeking a team of consultants and/or a research center to conduct GHG emissions measurement from rice fields in Quang Binh and Binh Dinh for the Winter - Spring 2013/2014 crop.
• Select the methodology for the GHG measurement from rice fields in these provinces. The selected methodology should include the following considerations and justifications:
- It will be selected in consistency with Vietnam’s legal framework and international protocols on GHG emissions
- It will include the Provinces’ short term and long term vision on GHG emissions from rice cultivation
- It will follow international accepted methodologies and best practices for GHG emissions Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV)
- It will follow international mechanisms for certification of GHG emission reduction and subsequent emissions trading, in these provinces
• Conduct the GHG emissions measurement from rice fields in these provinces following the selected methodology. The measurement activities should include SRI areas (sowing and transplatting fields) and control areas.
• Provide training and coaching courses on GHG and its linkages with SRI and climate change; GHG emission measurement as a part of the selected methodology, for selected groups, e.g province/district DARD officers, communes agricultural officers and farmers representatives on GHG emissions measurement and methodologies including tools and procedures to collect sample emissions from the field. Training courses plan will be jointly developed with SNV.
• Facilitation undertaking, monitoring, following up and testing samples
• Processing data, Consolidating, analysing and validating/verifying GHG essimision measurement data (emphasizying intervention i.e inputs reduction and water management/AWD).
• Analysis GHG emission measurement in linkages with overall rice cultivation, low-carbon rice production approaches including SRI, climate change context and agriculture development.
• Reporting and presenting the results in stakholders meetings,
• Join-advocating with SNV on SRI and low-carbon rice production via presenting the assignment results the SRI/GHG/Climate change related events orgnized by SNV and MARD/MONRE institutes
1) A proposal on GHG emission measurement methodology selection and justification, including workplan, participation groups.
2) Training materials and coaching frame
3) Laboratory tests and other measurement results (red stamp original)
4) Final Report on GHG emission measurement results analysis; recommendations on GHG emissions measurement capacity building, further MRV activities and data system building
5) PPT presentation and showcase document
6) Presentation of assignment results for debriefing to project stakeholders (2), and presenting/providing inputs for advocating SRI/low carbon rice production to policy makers and related stakeholders via technical/advocacy events organized by MARD/MONRE institutes and Climate Change working group (3).
The assignment will be undertaken in early Jan till mid 2014 (GHG emission measurement), and advocacy (June – Nov 2014)
For research centers:
• Research center, institute registered and legally operating in Vietnam
• Relevant experience working with Government departments, agencies in the agriculture sector
• Relevant knowledge and experience on GHG emission measurement in agriculture
• Experience on GHG emission measurement from rice fields
• Good network of practitioners and experts in this field
For individual consultants:
• Master degree in Natural Science and Agriculture or Natural Resources Management.
• Relevant experience working with Government departments, agencies in the agriculture sector
• Relevant knowledge and proven experience on GHG emission measurement in agriculture
• Experience on GHG emission measurement from rice fields
• Experience in Vietnam is preferred
Applications consisting of Technical proposal, Budget proposal and CVs of team members should be submitted to [email protected] with CC to [email protected] by 10 January 2014.
* IPCC. 2006. Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
** An Inclusive Business is a profitable and sustainable entrepreneurial initiative that seeks to contribute to poverty reduction by including lower-income communities within the value chains of companies as employees, suppliers, consumers or distributors, in a win-win situation. http://www.snvworld.org/en/inclusive-business