Consultant with UNDP - PAR Support Project

Request for CV submission from Individual National Consultants and National Consulting Firms/Institutions For Designing a System of Data-Base on Public Administration Reform including a baseline review report on the existing database system of information on administrative reform according to the PAR Master Plan 2001-2010; and a Proposal of database system of information on administrative reform according to the PAR Master Plan 2011-2020 Orientations

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) is assigned by the Government of Vietnam to implement a project for “Strengthening the capacity of Vietnamese Government’s agencies in accelerating and improving PAR efficiency and effectiveness”. The project is funded by UNDP and other donors through One UN Fund. The main objective of the project is to support the implementation of the PAR Master Program and the Action Plan of the Government to carry out the 5th Resolution of the Party Central Committee (the Xth term) on “Accelerating PAR, improving public effectiveness and efficiency”.

One of the outcomes of the project is to improve and strengthen the PAR communication system and partnership. A detailed information and communication system has been designed in 2010 which will be implemented in 2011. One of the recommendations in the information, communication system and as mentioned in the original DPO, a database on best practices in PAR will be developed and disseminated.

A database consists of an organized collection of data for one or more uses. In case of MOHA, this database will collect and compile information related to Public Administration Reform (PAR).

The collection and dissemination of information on PAR in recent years have obtained positive changes which have provided important contributions to the success of progress of public administrative reform in Viet Nam. To achieve the goal of PAR, a number of tools must be used, including providing information about administrative reforms to individuals, businesses and civil society is very important. In addition, officials and civil servants are in charge of administrative reform at the state agencies also need the information to study, research and apply in their work.

There are many sources to collect information on PAR, such as newspapers, books, through the means of radio and television. But a way of collecting information through websites and internet is the fastest and most convenient way, which can transmit information to everyone. However, information on administrative reform in this form in the recent years are very poor, not updated regularly and with  limited accuracy. The information is very scattered, inconsistent, mostly about seminars, conferences and not technical subjects with in-depth analysis, which has not attracted many participants.

In this backdrop, it is essential to upgrade PAR information systems, develop a PAR database, which will provide diversified information on PAR in a timely fashion. In the approved work plan of 2010, it is envisaged that the project will provide technical assistance by hiring a national consulting firm to PAR Department, MOHA in designing, and developing a PAR-related database, put into use, and suggest ways for regular updating (

The objectives of the assignment are twofold:

1.To summarize, analyzes and evaluate the advantages and limitations of the existing database system of information on administrative reform.
2.To research, consult, design and put into the operation of a database system of information on administrative reform smoothly and close association with the PAR system management.

Please refer to ToR for more information related to the assignment.

Your offer comprising of technical proposal and financial proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, should reach the following address no later than 16:00 Hanoi time (UTC/GMT +7 hours), 21 March 2011.

UNDP - PAR Support Project
Building A, Room 108
37 A Nguyen Binh Khiem, Hanoi
Tel.: 04 39764279
E-mail: [email protected]

Marked with - RFP for “Proposal to design a system of data-base on PAR - UNDP- MoHA PAR support project”

If submitted electronically, please send the technical and financial proposals as separate documents in pdf format. Proposals should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line: {Name of company} RFP: “Services to Public Administration Reform project in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA)”.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
UNDP - PAR Support Project
Ha Noi
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2011-03-21