Consultant for Tender Package: “Training to Increase Skills for Forest Ppatrol Teams in Quang Nam province"


WWF-Viet Nam, USAID Biodiversity Conservation would like to invite Bidders who are interested in our tender package: "Training to increase skills and understanding of collecting and recording field evidence of wildlife and forest crimes for forest patrol teams in Quang Nam province".

Detailed information of the announcement can be found here:


Please send the electronic proposal to WWF-Viet Nam’s designated mailbox at [email protected] ; cc: [email protected] , [email protected] . Your e-mail must have the subject heading as “Proposal-[Consultant’s name]- FY22-1169 BCA-“Training to increase skills for forest patrol teams in Quang Nam province" (or Vietnamese title: “HSQT [ten Tu van]- FY22-1169 BCA “Dao tao ky nang cho cac nhom tuan tra rung tinh Quang Nam”- KHONG DUOC MO TRUOC NGAY HET HAN NOP HO SO".

The maximum size per email that WWF-Viet Nam can receive is 25MB.


Send the hard copy to the below address:

Procurement Unit – USAID Biodiversity Conservation, WWF-Viet Nam
Add: No.6, Lane 18, Nguyen Co Thach, Cau Dien Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi.

The deadline for submission is 11:30 AM (Hanoi ICT)  20th April 2022


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2022-04-20