Consultant Team for Developing E-guidance for Youth on Development of Start-up Idea

Hiring consultant team for developing E-guidance for youth on development of start-up idea

“Participate: Empowered CSOs and ethnic minority youth for active participation in decision making in Yen Bai, Vietnam”

Background on Save the Children

Save the Children is the leading global independent organisation for children.Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach.

We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

Our vision: A world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

Our mission: To inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

Our values: Accountability, ambition, collaboration, creativity and integrity.

We are committed to ensuring our resources are used as efficiently as possible, in order to focus them on achieving maximum impact for children.

Background information/context

Save the Children is implementing the project “PARTICIPATE: Empowered CSOs and ethnic minority youth for active participation in decision making in Yen Bai, Vietnam”. The project aims at ensuring that target social organizations and implementing partners in Yen Bai province have the capacity to support start-up businesses and other socio-economic development of vulnerable ethnic minority youth, fostering their engagement and active participation in decision-making and in the promotion of gender equality. This will help redress the limited role that minority youth currently play in decision-making processes in the field of start-up businesses that contribute to their own advancement and socio-economic development in Vietnam. We would like to hire a consultant team to develop the E-guidance for youth on how to operate a start-up project.

Objective of the task

The objective of the task is to develop a youth-friendly web-based application on how to develop and manage a start-up idea for youth.

Duty location and expected travel: The Consultant can work remotely with possibility of few meetings with SC project team in Hanoi, and at least two trips to Yen Bai city for testing and introduction of the application.

Services the Supplier will provide/ Responsibilities of consultants

This package requires at least 2 consultants to undertake below main tasks:

  1. Technical development of the content and structure of the youth’s start-up modules;
  2. Develop web-based application used for both mobile and PC based on the contents provided by task 1 and user manual of the application.

For  start-up technical development requirements:

  • Develop three main modules with referenced contents provided by the project. These documents were developed during the implementation of project activities in 2021 and 2022. The Consultant is expected to apply/ adjust the provided documents and develop any new necessary documents to ensure that youth can apply the guidance to develop their own start-up documents with through the the web-based application e-guidance. The documents must be suitable for youth, especially youth with different disadvantaged backgrounds (such as ethnic minority, migrant, low education, poor). The design, language and presentation are friendly, concise, easy to understand and apply. The document will be used by young people aged 16 to 24 years old to refer to and develop their own start-up ideas, business plan. Three main modules are:
    • Module 1: Self-assessment and business environment assessment as a new young entrepreneur.
    • Module 2: Develop a business plan.
    • Module 3: Effective business management with management tips.
  • Research, propose and ensure technical quality of an web-based application suitable for youth, especially youth with different disadvantaged backgrounds (such as ethnic minority, migrant, low education, poor) to reach these documents.
  • Meetings with the project team and relevant stakeholders to revise and ensure that the web-based application is effective, suitable based on feedback of youth.
  • Collaborate with IT expert in application development to ensure issuing effective start-up e-guidance and user manual to ensure youth can follow the application to develop their own start-up effectively.
  • All related supporting documents.

For IT design requirements:

  • Websites are designed in responsive form.
  • Page loading speed, images displayed on different electronic devices (Optimize laptop, tablet, smartphone).
  • Build Front End used by users.
  • Build Back End used by website admin.
  • Performance optimized system.
  • Using PHP programming language and running Linux hosting (Centos OS) which will be hosted by SCI hosting.
  • Design and develop web-based application according to the start-up contents of 3 modules, requirements of module guidance provided by Start-up Technical Consultant. E-guidance content includes but does not limit to information registration, user account, working forms for business technical and financial proposal, function to export forms in MS Word and Excel format and send to email automatically, save updated information of users on the system, synthesize and analyse user’s access and usage level, aggregate reports and analyze data, online support request, expansion needs.
  • The application will be updated with the information input by the user, and printed in a text format on A4 paper.
  • Closely consult, discuss and collaborate with the Start-up Technical Consultant and SC project team members to develop web-based application, design, interface and other design-related issues.  
  • Implement the application design and ensure smooth operation and maintenance of the application. The application is exact, easy to use, easy to explore, friendly with the most deprived youth, and has clearly links among modules.
  • Regularly communicate with SC during the implementation process to ensure consistency and quality about the content, interface, and operation of the application.
  • Test the application with engagement of Start-up Consultant, SC staff, SC Partner and local start-up youth before finalize the application.
  • Collaborate with the Start-up Consultant to develop the comprehensive E-guidance manual to ensure youth can follow the application to develop their own start-up effectively idea, including but not limit to how to install, use, frequently asked questions and answers while using the application.

Experience and skills set required

For the Consultant in charge of start-up content:

  • Have relevant background in economics or business management.
  • Have at least 5 years of experience in building capacity for youth in start-up.
  • Have experience in developing e-learning training materials, books, documents on start-ups/ entrepreneurship skills/ vocational guidance for youth/ soft skills/ life skills/job skills.
  • Preferred experience in working with NGOs, CSOs and youth with different disadvantaged backgrounds (such as ethnic minority, migrant, low education, poor)

For the Consultant in charge of application design:

  • Have background in information technology, focusing on coding.
  • Have at least 5-years experience in producing web-based application with similar scale and scope of work, preferred for youth with different disadvantaged backgrounds such as ethnic minorities, migrants, low education, poor.  

Submission of application: Application should be in Vietnamese

  • Technical proposal with:
    • outlines ideas
    • proposes the appropriate web-based application
    • work plan mapping out key steps and milestones.
  • Financial proposal is inclusive of all related costs such as consultant fees, taxes, travel, subsistence, accommodation and other related expenses (if any)to implement the mentioned tasks.
  • Download link of 3 similar products that were developed by the applicants and scan of contract for reference.
  • Curriculum vitae of consultants engaged to implement this task.


Estimated Commencement Date: 10th October 2022

Estimated End Date: 16th December 2022



Working days (tentative)

Expected outcomes

Timeline (tentative)

Technical consultant

IT consultant

Travel to Yen Bai


Review related documents and develop web-based application frame work 




A web-based application frame work approved by SC

10th – 13rd Oct


Develop contents of 3 start-up modules





Develop module 1 




Draft of module 1

14th – 21st Oct


Develop module 2 




Draft of module 2

24th Oct – 4th Nov


Develop module 3 




Draft of module 3

7th – 18th Nov


Develop web-based application





Consult draft contents and demo with SC, partner and youth for revision




Demo version is ready for testing

21st – 22nd Nov


At least 2 times of testing the application with some start-up youth




Application testing reports

23rd – 25th Nov


Revise the application after testing




Revised web-based application

28th Nov – 7th Dec


Finalize and disseminate the web-based application





Complete the final version of web-based application and develop a User manual




Completed web-based application

8th – 14th Dec


Present the E-guidance at a workshop in Yen Bai or Hanoi and submit all products




A presentation at workshop

15th – 16th Dec


Handover, warranty and technical support during first three months




Administration manual of the application

3 months since completion of handover


Total working days






Expected deliverables:



Format and style

Delivery date


An E-guidance framework with technical contents and structure of the start-up modules

Electronic file (English and Vietnamese)

13rd Oct 2022


First draft of web-based application

Electronic file (Vietnamese)

25th Nov 2022


Finalized web-based application including user manual

Electronic file (Vietnamese)

14th Dec 2022


A presentation of the E-guidance

Power point file (Vietnamese)

16th Dec 2022

Status updates/reports: The Supplier shall provide status updates every 3-working day progress to SC during implementing the task.


  • Deliverable 1: to be accepted by Project Board within 5 working days of delivery date
  • Deliverable 2, 3: to be accepted by Project Board within 10 working days of delivery date
  • Deliverable 4: to be accepted by Project Board within 5 working days of delivery date

General assumptions and dependencies

  • SCI will identify the key stakeholders to be engaged as part of the project.
  • SCI will provide documents related to the content of 3 start-up modules for reference.

Payment information 

  • 1st advance of 30% of the total cost payable within 30 days of satisfactory completion of deliverable 1 and 2 as above expected deliverables.
  • Last payment of 70% of the total cost payable within 30 days of satisfactory completion of all deliverables.

How to apply for the services

The candidate should submit the application as mentioned above to the email address: v[email protected]

The deadline for responses is 9h00, 3rd Oct 2022

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Save the Children
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2022-10-03