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Consultant to External Mid-term Review Building Inclusive Lives for People with Disability Project
1. Background
The most recent survey estimates 15.3% of the Vietnamese population have a disability (12.75 million people)1 and they tend to be among the poorest in both urban and rural areas of Vietnam. On almost every indicator, people with disabilities lag behind the general population. Despite a progressive legislation framework and a strong commitment from the government to improving the situation for people with disabilities, there is still a significant gap between policies and reality.
Research conducted by VSO through 2007-8 indicated that while a number of International NGOs and government initiatives aim to assist people with disabilities in health, rehabilitation, education etc, there are very few initiatives working in close partnership with organisations of people with disabilities to improve their capacities to service their members. PWD, consulted as part of the research, indicated that lack of confidence and lack of income were key barriers to their participation in society. As a result, VSO have developed this project called Building Inclusive Lives for People with Disabilities (BUILD) in order to support people with disabilities to improve their lives through economic and social empowerment.
The strong partnership between IDEA, DRD and VSO forms the foundation of this project. The project’s major focus direct towards building capacity of IDEA, DRD, 12 DPOs and network; build capacity 50 enterprises run by PWD, including VABED members and 160 home-traders and/or their family members who would like to start their own business; and supporting 200 people with disabilities with formal employment opportunities.
The project has been funded by Irish Aid Vietnam for 3 years, from July 2009 until June 2012. The funding of 2nd and 3rd year have depended on the performance of the previous years. Currently the project is in the 2nd year and expect to finish its 2nd year activities by end of August 2011.
2. About the project
2.1 Project objectives
Overall goal: To reduce stigma and discrimination against disabled people in Vietnam and support their inclusion in their communities through social and economic empowerment.
Objective 1: Stronger representative DPOs (including 2 national disability NGOs) and networks provide improved client-based services and an effective voice for PWD at national level and in the targeted provinces and cities.
Result 1: At the end of the project period, 2 national Vietnamese disability NGOs, 12 DPOs and networks have enhanced capacities in organisational development, service delivery and networking at national level and in the targeted provinces and cities in Vietnam
Objective 2: Enterprises (established and run by PWD) and home traders in the targeted provinces and cities have become more competent and increased their profit/ income.
Result 2: At the end of the project period, fifty enterprises of PWD, 160 disabled home-traders and/ or their family members are strengthened in organisational development, business marketing and management (including access to credit) in the targeted cities and provinces in Vietnam;
Objective 3: PWD in the targeted provinces and cities are empowered and have increased their income.
Result 3: 200 PWD have improved access to employment and income in the targeted provinces and cities in Vietnam.
2.2 Project area
The project has been implemented in 8 provinces and managed by IDEA and DRD respectively:
IDEA: Thai Nguyen, Hanoi, Hue and Da Nang
DRD: Dong Nai, Dong Thap, Lam Dong and Ho Chi Minh City
2.3 Project implementation – Roles and Responsibilities of each parties
VSO closely works with IDEA and DRD to implement the project. VSO supports to build capacity of IDEA and DRD through international volunteer professionals. VSO is responsible for managing the grant, the oversight, monitoring and evaluation, and financial management of the grant. VSO has to ensure the delivery of all activities in the project, encourage a learning environment, qualitative M&E, create coordination among the stakeholders with an aim at promoting consistently the voice of PWD to raise issues at national level.
IDEA and DRD are organizations established and staffed by PWD. Staff members can strongly identify themselves with beneficiaries, are highly aware of the challenges and barriers that beneficiaries experience and act as successful “role models”. IDEA and DRD have implemented the project and reported to VSO their activities every month.
Progress reports and reports by IDEA and DRD will be made available.
3. Objective and scope of the Review
The Mid-term Review team is expected to consist of two experts, one should be a leader. The objective of this mid-term review is:
To review and evaluate the implementation of planned activities and outputs
To identify lessons learnt and experiences gained with a view to provide inputs for the further implementation of the project
To provide recommendation, especially in terms of coordination and collaboration of the two partners for 3rd year
The specific objectives of the mid-term review are followed:
To assess the relevance, effectiveness and impact of the project objectives and three different components against actual results to date, referring to the Log-frame
To review and evaluate the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the project achievements
To evaluate the support of VSO Vietnam to the two partners and make recommendation for their sustainability, given the fact that VSO will not operate in the country after 31st March 2012
To review the Indicators in the Log-frame and propose any changes to better fit with the situation of PWD
To identify and develop different options for further improvement for 3rd year, how to further develop collaboration and coordination
To analyze and evaluate reasons for success and shortfall, if any, in project objectives and activities
To record and highlight the success stories for replication
4. Timeframe and Expected Deliverables
Timeframe: The review team will be expected to conduct the review in June 2011.
A full review report of no more than 15 pages written in English (excluding annexes) should include:
a) An executive summary
b) Introduction and background
c) Objective, scope and methodology
d) Findings
e) Conclusion and possible rating of the project implementation
f) Lessons learnt
g) Recommendations
h) Annexes
A debriefing workshop with VSO, IDEA, DRD and Irish Aid possible
5. Requirements
For this mid-term review, the contract will be issued by VSO Vietnam. The evaluators will work under the overall supervision of the Disability Programme Manager of VSO and in close collaboration with IDEA and DRD’s directors and coordinators.
Any one is interested should send their draft proposal how the Review will be conducted, how many days needed, work-plan and estimated budget including daily rate and travel expenses before 18th May 2011 to VSO Vietnam at [email protected].
The evaluators should have the following minimum experiences and qualifications:
- At least 10 years technical experience in the disability areas
- Expertise in organizational development, building capacity of DPOs and employment, both formal and informal
- Experience in project review and evaluation
- Good command of spoken and written English and Vietnamese
6. Payment schedule
The review team will receive an initial payment of 70% of the total contract amount which is due upon signature of the contract. Final payment will be made upon satisfactory completion of the work. The fee is inclusive of all expenses such as travel, accommodation and incidental expenses.
In case the team cannot provide the products in accordance with the TOR, the timeframe agreed or if not of the required standard and quality, the payment to the team could be withheld, until the products are modified to meet the standards.