Consultant to Consolidate Workshop: Strengthening Capacity for Civil Society Organizations on Child Rights Governance

Hire an individual consultant to consolidate workshop

Strengthening capacity for Civil Society Organizations on Child Rights Governance

Save the Children (SC) is the leading global independent organisation for children.Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. 

“Strengthening capacity for Civil Society Organizations on Child Rights Governance” is a 5-year project under Child Rights Governance program, funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) through Save the Children Sweden. The overall objective of the project is a society where Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have developed their skills and State actors have systematic dialogues with CSOs in order to take actions towards gaps identified in the CRC concluding observations. Through capacity building for CSOs, Save the Children (SC) and partners nurture relationships and provide opportunities for CSOs and State actors to interact regarding implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in Vietnam. SC and partners facilitate, mentor and provide platforms for networks at local, provincial and national levels to develop further. These networks of CSOs from various contexts, representing marginalised groups, then become capable of monitoring children´s rights and be recognised as a relevant and credible discussion partner to the government actors.

Within the project’s framework, Save the Children worked closely with CSOs to empower and strengthen their confidence for constructive dialogues with the government. The organization also took the role of coordinating and enhancing existing child right networks at local, provincial and national levels to increasingly become inclusive and better prepared to take actions regarding child rights issues.

In late October 2021, SC will organize an end-line learning workshop with partner organizations to collate and document historical accounts of the most significant outcomes/changes and key learnings, while examining the roles, contributions and benefits of/for partner organizations. The workshop will also support sustainable close out strategies with partners, and directly contribute to the final donor. The process needs to ensure full respect of ethical and safeguarding standards.


The objective of this Terms of Reference is to hire a qualified individual consultant to study the project documents/templates to properly understand the project design, results framework and activities, and join the end-line learning/ reflective workshop meeting as note taker to reflect the discussions of the participants that will be later consolidated into the draft workshop report and 5-year report package.

The selected consultant is expected to produce: 01 meeting minute including all key discussion points arranged in an easy-to-follow way, 01 draft workshop report using donor’s template, 01 five-year narrative report using donor’s templates filled with relevant data collected and consolidated from the workshop (in English).

Please find the details in the attached TOR

Services the Consultant will provide:

  • Work with the project team to develop and agree on a detailed work plan, timeline, deliverables, and expectations (quality and content) of the final products of the assignment.
  • Fully participate in the 2-day end-line reflective workshop (online or in person depending on the situation) and take notes of the discussions.
  • Work with project team to clarify unclear discussion points after each session (5 sessions in total), if any
  • Consolidate all the notes and draft the workshop report and provide inputs to the 5-year narrative report using donor’s templates (in English)
  • Comply with Save the Children’s Child Safeguarding Policy, Data Protection and Safety and Security policies.
  • Comply with donor’s and Save the Children’s brand guidelines.

Experience and skill set required

  • At least 5 years of working in development sector and work with international organizations/ NGOs
  • Have 3 years of working on children’s rights issues, rights of marginalized groups using right-based approach, or Civil Society Organizations strengthening in Vietnam
  • Have rich experience in analysis of social development issues
  • Have experience in note-taking, consolidating data and report writing in English

Expected Deliverables

SC expects the following deliverable to be provided:


Deliverable title


Format and style


01 detailed meeting minutes


A well-organized meeting minutes with all discussion points noted

Word file


01 draft workshop report

A report using donor’s template is completed with all the discussion points consolidated, arranged and analyzed in a systematic way

Word file


Inputs and analysis provided to five-year narrative report

A five-year narrative report with key inputs consolidated and analyzed

Word file




Expected outcomes

Tentative Delivery date


Meeting with SC to sign contract and work out the work plan

- signed contract

- work plan with clear timeline

20 Oct 2021


Save the Children policy induction

Consultant to understand Save the Children’s policy and commit to comply with all the policies

20 Oct 2021


Study project documents and templates

All the contents relating to project design, result framework, interventions and indicators are will studied and understood

20-25 Oct 2021


Participating in the workshop and taking note of discussions

Meeting minutes

26-27 Oct 2021


Draft reports

01 workshop report

Inputs and analysis provided to five-year narrative report (in English)

27 Oct -
8 Nov 2021

How to apply:

The candidate should submit a financial proposal (in Vietnamese Dong and including PIT) and CVs through email address:  [email protected]

The deadline for responses is: 14 October 2021 (5:00 PM)

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Save the Children
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2021-10-14