Consultancy services for an analysis of the macro-economic risks arising to society from sand extraction in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

WWF-VIET NAM: Extension of Submission Deadline - Tender Ref FY24-0475

WWF-Viet Nam would like to inform all interested Bidders the Extension of the Submission Deadline to the Request for Proposals of Tender Ref. FY24-0475 “Consultancy services for an analysis of the macro-economic risks arising to society from sand extraction in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta”, as belows:

Old deadline for submission of bids is at 17:00 ICT, October 09, 2023.

New deadline for submission of bids is at 17:00 ICT, October 11, 2023.

Interested Bidders can also find more information on the advertisement of Tender Ref. FY24-0475 “Consultancy services for an analysis of the macro-economic risks arising to society from sand extraction in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta” at:

WWF-VIET NAM: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Consultancy services for an analysis of the macro-economic risks arising to society from sand extraction in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta | WWF (

and Clarifications to Request for Proposals, Tender Ref FY24-0475 at:


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2023-10-11