Consultancy for Development of Awareness Raising Programme and Communication Materials on Transport Safety for Workers

Terms of reference (ToR)

Development of awareness raising programme and communication materials
on transport safety for workers


a. Brief information on the project

The “Promoting sustainability in the textile and garment industry in Asia (FABRIC)” project under the auspice of the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) works to improve production and working conditions in the Asian textile and garment industry in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Pakistan, Myanmar (since 2016) and in Vietnam (starting 2020). The project works with local factories, business associations, relevant ministries, trade unions, civil society and international fashion brands to jointly improve social, environmental and economic conditions in the industry by focusing on (i) regional dialogue and knowledge exchange; (ii) cooperation with private sector; (iii) social and labour standards; (iv) gender equality; and (v) environment.

In Vietnam, FABRIC project works with the Vietnam Textile & Apparel Association (VITAS) focusing on environmental aspect of the industry as well as in other four areas of work aligning with regional interventions of the project.

b. Context

The textile and garment industry in Asia creates millions of jobs and is a key factor for economic prosperity in many Asian countries. By securing income for many, the industry has the potential to reduce poverty and drive development. However, garment workers still face severe challenges in South-East Asian countries, not only regarding general working conditions in the factories, but also on their way to work. Their daily commute to the factories is often hazardous and puts their health and lives at risk. Road safety is a global problem and kills more people worldwide than malaria and dengue (WHO).

Garment workers are one of the most vulnerable groups concerning road safety, given the fact that most of them commute daily to the factories and face a number of risks on their way that endangers their wellbeing and lives. Road injuries and fatalities do not only put at risk the direct victims, but also their families that rely on the workers’ income as well as the productivity of the garment factories and thus the countries’ overall economic wellbeing, constituting a key restraining factor to a socially and economically sustainable garment industry.

In 2019, the GIZ FABRIC and two fashion brands Primark and H&M conducted a landscape analysis on transport safety in garment sector for Myanmar and Vietnam to understand the key challenges and identify targeted solutions to address transport safety issues for garment workers. The study was undertaken by the AIP Foundation and the analysis report was published in 2020. A launch event of the report for Vietnam was subsequently convened in 2021 to present the report findings and recommendations to relevant stakeholders in Vietnam, draw the attention to the unsafe conditions associated with the transport of workers to and from factories and initiative discussions on ways forward for multi-stakeholder collaboration to tackle this complex topic in garment industry in Vietnam.

As part of the follow up on this work stream, FABRIC project will hire a consultant (either firm/institution or individual) to further develop the roll-out programme at factory level.


1. Objectives

This assignment is for the work to develop the roll-out programme and communication materials on transport safety for textile and garment facilities. This aims to promote the awareness and practices on transport safety in the textile and garment factories which will enhance safety for workers and improve productivity at the workplaces.

Scope of work:

The assignment consists of a proposed approach to promote transport safety at factory level. In addition to that, the work covers the design and production of a communication package that will be used for awareness raising events on transport safety (e.g. workshops, training, promotional events).

The materials will include but not limited to:

  • Materials targeted to group of trade union, safety staff and line managers in the factories
  • Materials targeted to workers

The materials can be produced in various formats (brochures, booklet, video clips, freebies, etc) and need to be presented in a diverse, non-stereotypical and gender responsive manner.

2. Target group

  • Garment workers
  • Trade union, safety staff and line managers of garment factories(and/or within industrial parks as relevant)
  • Textile and garment facilities.

3. Duration of the assignment
Tentatively from 25 October to 31 December 2021.

4. Tasks of the assignment

The consultant will:

  • Review and develop approach to promote transport safety at factory level;
  • Design and produce communication materials to enhance awareness and promote transport safety in textile and garment factories.
  • Coordinate with FABRIC project and partners for the development of expected outputs.

5. Expected deliverables and time frame


Fee days


Expected timeline

Briefing with the project on the planned work

(1) Summary note of the implementation plan (in English)

25 Oct 2021

Develop approach to promote transport safety at factory level

(2) Concept note on the approach including proposed agenda for the roll-out programme (in English)

(3) Recommendation for suitable service providers to conduct the roll-out programme (eg. individual or agency/organization if not to be carried out by the consultant for this assignment)

31 Oct 2021

Design and produce materials on transport safety

(4) Draft materials for consultation with the project and partners

(5) Finalized master files (e-file) of the package design (ready for online presentation and re-production)

(6) Printed communication materials

(The communication materials are produced in Vietnamese)

3 Nov 2021


18 Nov 2021

6. Qualification requirements

The expected service provider will be required to meet the following:

  • Proven track record of experience working in similar field (at least 11 years of work)
  • Extensive technical experience in conducting training programme and producing materials in this topic. Working experience with textile and garment factories is an asset.
  • Good time management to meet tight deadline

7. Payment schedule

A sole payment will be made upon completion of the assignment at the satisfaction of the project.

8. Administration, reporting and coordination

The contract for this assignment will be issued by FABRIC project. Office space, equipment and other logistical arrangements in the course of the assessment are responsibilities of the consultants. No travel will be incurred under this assignment. The contractor will work directly with and report to FABRIC project focal point.

9. Other issues

Unless otherwise agreed in the contract, the contractor assigns to the client all transferable rights to the work results, waiving the right to designate the author. Insofar as the transfer of rights is not legally possible, the contractor irrevocably grants the client a worldwide exclusive right of use to all work results valid for the duration of the statutory copyright and other property rights, which also includes commercial exploitation outside of the measure.

As the FABRIC is acting in a sensitive environment the contractor will coordinate with the program team prior to give any kind of information to third parties.

Interested candidates are invited to send confirmation of availability for the assignment, CV and proposal to [email protected] by 20 October 2021.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2021-10-20