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Consultancy for Behaviour Change Communication Strategy
Cowater International is seeking to recruit a highly qualified organisation to develop a behaviour change communication (BCC) strategy and tools to help achieve a measurable change in the behaviours with regards to gender equality, of relevant groups and stakeholders that will contribute to achieving the expected WEE and GE outcomes (see description of End of Program Outcome below).
Phase I of the Program (GREAT 1) will be completed by June 2022 with a second phase (GREAT 2) anticipated to start in July 2022 (subject to Australian and Vietnam Government approvals). The BCC strategy will directly address the second End of Program Outcome for the GREAT 2: the increased social status of women which includes enhanced roles in decision making, increased confidence, more equitable workload sharing and greater resilience (and broadly addressing social and cultural barriers to women economic empowerment-WEE).
GREAT 2 will be delivered through sector and cross-cutting strategies in the agriculture and tourism sectors. It is likely that GREAT will focus on five to six specific vegetable products (for example ramie, cinnamon, bamboo shoot, vegetables, medicinal plants) in the agriculture sector as well as tourism. Four cross-cutting issues have been identified including i) access to finance, ii) women entrepreneurship and leadership, iii) digital inclusion and iv).
Cross-cutting sector interventions, including behaviour change communications (BCC), will need to complement GREAT’s work in the agriculture and tourism sectors and have their own theory of change (TOC) and expected results. There is a need to continue as well as scale-up outreach and work within communities to shift social attitudes around gender equality, to enhance women’s participation in decision-making and leadership, promoting a more equal division of unpaid work, and reducing gender-based violence (GBV). The enabling environment for women’s empowerment will be strengthened by targeted policy and institutional engagement with provincial, district and commune-level government agencies - BCC can also be impactful at this level and help strengthen the policy work.
For more details of the opportunity, please see the attached TOR
How to Apply
Proposals for Stage 1 need to be sent to [email protected] before 5 pm Hanoi time on 28 February 2022 with the subject line “Behaviour Change Communication Strategy”. Late applications will be not considered.
Interested organisations should submit a proposal and budget (AUD) in English covering the following:
- Commitment letter signed by the authorised representative of the institution, confirming the Applicant’s intention to provide the services in accordance with the provisions of this TOR;
- Profile of the organisation (including formal registration details);
- A technical proposal that covers
- The methodology.
- A skill matrix that identifies the skills required and the personnel that will provide them.
- Inputs schedule: A schedule that lists activities against team resources/inputs required and timeframes. It should include all inputs required to deliver the services in terms of expert time, working tools, working locations etc. to implement the project.
- The schedule with specific reference to submission of reports and documents, specific meetings, etc.
- Personnel: Include key personnel and team members and articulate why they are well suited for their proposed role. Experts proposed for the application must be available for the duration of the contract. In the case of force majeure, the modification/replacement of experts must get prior approval from GREAT and have equivalent qualifications and profiles. Please include the CVs of all team members.
- Financial Proposal in AUD. With an indicative budget of AUD 60,000, the financial proposal for Stage 1 should identify the cost for each key deliverable substantiated with a breakdown of the number of working days for each expert per deliverable/implementation step and unit cost, plus estimated costs such as per diems, as well as a management fee. Key deliverables can be selected from the list above and/or modified for the financial proposal. International rates should align with DFAT’s Aid Remuneration Framework (https://www.dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/adviser-remuneration-framework). National rates should align with EU/UN cost norms.
It is anticipated that the organisation (with the same core team members) that is engaged in Stage 1, will also be engaged to support Stage 2. This will be subject to the quality of Stage 1 deliverables, a new technical and financial proposal and agreement on contractual terms. The Terms of Reference, scope and detailed work plan for Stage 2 will be developed during the Inception Period of GREAT 2.