Call for Proposals" “Consulting on evaluating the effectiveness of pilot models within the framework of the Urban Plastic Reduction program"

WWF-VIET NAM: CALL FOR PROPOSALS – “Consulting on evaluating the effectiveness of pilot models within the framework of the Urban Plastic Reduction program"

WWF-Viet Nam would like to request proposals from eligible consultants who are interested in providing a professional service for the package “Consulting on evaluating the effectiveness of pilot models within the framework of the Urban Plastic Reduction program”.

Details of the ToR and instructions can be found at:


Interested firms submit proposals to WWF-Viet Nam via email to: [email protected], and copy to: [email protected], with the title “FY24-1047-HSDX-[ten Tu van]- Tu van Danh gia hieu qua cac mo hinh thi diem trong khuon kho chuong trinh Do thi Giam nhua”.

Interested Companies are recommended to use the attached forms to structure your Proposal.

Only the shortlists will be contacted. The deadline for receiving applications is 17:00 on January 22, 2024


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2024-01-22