Call for proposal: Agreement Performance Work (APW) to identify and provide comprehensive support to the strengthen capacity for Leprosy detection, treatment, and management in high-risk areas in the country

Call for Expressions of Interest and Proposal

VN007: Agreement of Performance of Work holder (firm/institution/agency) toidentify and provide comprehensive support to the strengthen capacity for Leprosy detection, treatment, and management in high-risk areas in the country.


Leprosy, or Hansen's Disease, is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, that despite curative therapy is still a lasting health problem in many areas. If symptoms of Leprosy are not recognized, a delay in diagnosis can result in severe disability. In Viet Nam, Leprosy used to be considered one of four incurable diseases and has historically been associated with heavy social stigma and discrimination by the community. In 1982 the National leprosy control program (NLCP) was established, with Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT) implemented one year later (in 1983) which mark a remarkable improvement in the epidemiology situation of the disease. As a result, Viet Nam achieved the elimination target at the national level in 1995 with a prevalence rate of 0.7 per 10,000 population. Viet Nam achieved the elimination target at the provincial level in 2000. In the period 2016-2020, the prevalence of leprosy in the community decreased from 0.02 per 10,000 population to 0.01 per 10,000 population.

Although Vietnam set up the goal of eliminating leprosy in 1995 and sub-elimination was achieved in all provinces since 2000, leprosy is still a major public health problem. In recent years, it is estimated about 100 to 200 new cases are detected every year in Viet Nam. The rate of disability which is defined as the partly affected and/or visible changes is present among 20% of new cases. New cases were detected through voluntary reporting, mass surveys, and contact examinations. Whereas Leprosy became a neglected disease over the past decades consequently the leprosy program has no longer received finical support from the central government. The aim
to eliminate leprosy at the national level and disability due to Leprosy by 2030 is facing with risk of not being achieved.

The majority of Leprosy incident is concentrated in high-risk areas with unfavourable conditions for health service accessibility, low level of awareness, and a health system limited capacity. To sustain the momentum toward the end of leprosy transmission, focusing on addressing leprosy in these areas requires a multi-disciplinary approach that addresses the various barriers to treatment and control of the disease. The purpose of this APW is to provide comprehensive support to strengthen the locality's capacity for Leprosy screening, detection, treatment, and management. This includes increased capacity for local health workers, support screening, early diagnosis, and treatment of new leprosy cases in combination with raising awareness in the population. Due to the population in these high-risk areas often facing difficulty in accessing health care and have limited access to information, it is important to take this opportunity to screen patients of major health issues in Viet Nam, such as Tuberculosis and Hypertension, and refer suspected cases to
get diagnosis. The result of this activity will be a basis for future comprehensive support activities in the country and contribute to the achievement of the goal of the National Leprosy program.

2.Planned timelines(subject to confirmation)

Start date: 20 Feb 2023
End date:31 Mar 2023

3.Work to be performed


Method(s) to carry out the activity

The activity under the APW is to be implemented by the APW holder in collaboration with local health care workers who are in charge of leprosy in the identified provinces. The timeframe of the activity is from 20 February to 31 March 2023. The detail of key activities includes:

  • Activity 1: Identify high-risk province(s) that require support and develop training documents and communication material
  • Activity 2: Train physician in screening, diagnose, treatment and management of leprosy and common dermatology diseases
  • Activity 3: Conduct screening for leprosy, common dermatology diseases, and other health issues such as tuberculosis and hypertension at communal level; and raise awareness of local people on leprosy, common dermatology diseases, and other health issues such as tuberculosis and hypertension.
  • Activity 4: Support for treatment and management for patient with leprosy and common dermatology diseases.
  • Activity 5: Analyse the gathered data and finalize report


  • Local health care worker was trained and supported in detection, diagnostic and treatment of Leprosy and common dermatology diseases
  • Leprosy patients with early symptoms are timely diagnosed and treated, preventing disability.
  • Patients suspected of other health issues such as tuberculosis and hypertension are referred to get diagnosed
  • Awareness of local population on leprosy, common dermatology diseases, and other health issues such as tuberculosis and hypertension are raised.


  • Training documents and communication material.
  • Final activities report, including situation of Leprosy and some common dermatology diseases in the selected provinces.

4.Specific requirements:The selected APW holder must have

  • Team Leader’s requirements: holds a PhD degree and/or a post graduate qualification in dermatology diseases; has at least 10 years working experiences in clinical management, diagnosis, and treatment for dermatology diseases including leprosy; has directly been involved in and provided technical support for development of training materials and conducting training courses on dermatology diseases and leprosy.
  • Preference is given to expert(s) who have experience participating in the WHO supported activity.
  • Team members’ requirements:
    • Teachers/ facilitators: have post graduate qualifications in dermatology diseases; have at least 5 years’ experience in clinical management of dermatology diseases and leprosy
    • Assistant teachers/ facilitators: hold a medical degree qualification; have at least 3 years’ experience in clinical management of dermatology diseases and leprosy; familiar with conducting training workshops and experienced in logistic arrangement.

5.Place of assignment:

  • In Hanoi and the workplace of the APW holder.


  • Travel in Hanoi and to the provinces which are identified by the APW holders.


  • The submitted proposal with detailed budget breakdown will be reviewed and decided based on the technical requirements, timeliness, and value for money. The budget shouldinclude the possible travel cost to the provinces identified by the APW holder.

The firms/institutions that are interested can submit your proposals indicating vacancy notice number and job titleby 17 February 2023and should be addressed to:

World Health Organization
[email protected]

Subject:VN007 - Agreement of Performance of Work holder (firm/institution/agency) to identify and provide comprehensive support to the strengthen capacity for Leprosy detection, treatment, and management in high-risk areas in the country.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2023-02-17