
For paid and volunteer vacancies see the list below. The VUFO-NGO Resource Centre also operates the Opportunities mailing list, which sends emails directly to subscribers. Subscribe here.

In order to post a job announcement on this page, members of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre can simply send email to Use a subject line that describes the job, such as "Vacancy for IT advisor", and include a short description of the job in the email body. If possible use website hyperlinks rather than attaching documents. If you attach documents please use PDF or Word format. In total the attachments should not be more than 500 kilobytes in size.

Non-members can join our membership or “associated membership” and post unlimited number of job announcements in one calendar year. Please contact to join the membership. Non-members can also choose to pay one-time contribution fee for each advertisement. Send email with your job vacancy to Upon receiving our invoice, make a payment of 25 USD (equivalent in Vietnamese Dong) and email us back with a scanned copy of bank transfer. Your job vacancy will be immediately uploaded on the website.

For the first time, a combo of books "Lọt qua khe cửa hẹp - Passing through small door gap" and "Sống Việt Nam, làm quốc tế - Live locally, work globally" is published to provide NGO job seekers a comprehensive guidance on how to successfully apply for jobs and how to professionally work in NGOs and international organizations.

Link to read the books:;

Officer - Human Resources & Finance

International Rice Research Institute - Vietnam Office

Officer - Human Resources & Finance

About IRRI

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2023-10-31

Call for proposals: Assessment of carbon sequestration and storage potential for Cuc Phuong National Park and Cat Tien National Park

WWF-Vietnam, USAID Biodiversity Conservation Project respectfully invites consultants to submit Proposals to provide consulting services to assess carbon sequestration and storage potential for Cuc Phuong National Park and Cat Tien National Park.

Detailed information about the work and instructions for publication documents are provided in the attached invitation for proposals.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2023-10-12

Project Coordinator, HIV and Health Equity

Project Officer/Specialist in policy enhancement and mainstreaming of green investment


1) Vocational training; 2) Environmental policy and sustainable natural resource use; 3) Energy. Gender equality is one of the key values of our company and of the work we do. Fostering gender equality in our project operation and our internal equal opportunity provisions are two strategic pillars of our corporate identity and policy.For further information please visit our website:

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2023-10-20

HR Officer (Temporary)

Location: Ha Noi 

Want to make a positive difference to the future of people and our one shared home - the Earth? Working at WWF could be your opportunity of a lifetime.

All around the world, people are waking up to the deepening crisis of nature loss. A growing realization that nature is our life-support system. And that nobody will be spared from the impacts of its loss. Here at WWF, we are helping to tackle this enormous global challenge.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2023-10-10

Procurement Officer (Re-posted)

E-Learning consultant to support converting training documents into SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) to be used with a Moodle-based eLearning platform

ITB: Purchase of smartphones, waterproof for smartphone, shockproof for smartphone (case) and power banks (Re-advertised)

WWF-Viet Nam, USAID Biodiversity Conservation would like to invite prospective bidders who are interested in our tender package (Re-advertisement): “Purchase of smartphones, waterproof for smartphone, shockproof for smartphone (case) and power banks".

Detailed information of the announcement can be found here:

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2023-10-13

Service provider for a customer perception survey on the reputation of Vietnam’s spices, fruits and vegetables (Re-advertised)

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. There are currently 21 member organizations working in 87 countries. We have a vision of a just and sustainable world. A world where people and the planet are at the center of our economy. Where women and girls live free from violence and discrimination. Where the climate crisis is contained. And where governance systems are inclusive and allow for those in power to be held to account.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2023-10-13