
For paid and volunteer vacancies see the list below. The VUFO-NGO Resource Centre also operates the Opportunities mailing list, which sends emails directly to subscribers. Subscribe here.

In order to post a job announcement on this page, members of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre can simply send email to [email protected]. Use a subject line that describes the job, such as "Vacancy for IT advisor", and include a short description of the job in the email body. If possible use website hyperlinks rather than attaching documents. If you attach documents please use PDF or Word format. In total the attachments should not be more than 500 kilobytes in size.

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For the first time, a combo of books "Lọt qua khe cửa hẹp - Passing through small door gap" and "Sống Việt Nam, làm quốc tế - Live locally, work globally" is published to provide NGO job seekers a comprehensive guidance on how to successfully apply for jobs and how to professionally work in NGOs and international organizations.

Link to read the books:;

Child Sponsorship Project Assistant

Save the Children, the world’s largest independent organization for children, delivers immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives all over the world.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Save the Children (SC)
Lao Cai
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2015-04-15

Child Sponsorship Project Officer

Save the Children, the world’s largest independent organization for children, delivers immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives all over the world.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Save the Children (SC)
Lao Cai
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2015-04-15

Research Analyst Position

MDRI is a research institute under the umbrella of VUSTA. The institute is founded by professional researchers and consultants who have earned doctoral degrees in various fields of economics and management from established institutes in the US, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and Australia. The founders of MDRI have led multiple large-scale poverty reduction and socio-economic development projects and research in Vietnam and abroad. MDRI senior researchers have been well-known for their research and consultancy in the areas of poverty reduction, conducting large-scale socio-economic surveys, economic welfare of marginalized groups, especially of the ethnic minorities and migrants.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2015-04-15

Local Consultants for the Design Phase of the Canada-funded Business Challenge Fund in Vietnam

Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) is seeking to hire two local consultants to become team members under the guidance of a Canadian Senior Project Planning Team Lead for the design of the Canada-funded Business Challenge Fund in Vietnam. The local consultants will include a Private Sector Development (PSD) specialist and a Fund Management specialist. They are expected to provide technical input, advice and guidance throughout the planning and detailed design phase based on their area of specialization.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Vietnam-Canada Program Support Unit
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2015-04-20


The Kenan, a leading not-for-profit development organization headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand that conducts a wide range of economic and social development activities in Southeast Asia (see, is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of accountant to manage day to day financial and accountting operations for our program in Vietnam.

The Accountant will be based in Hanoi and will travel to the project fields to support the Hanoi Office in monitoring the project implementation and managing the project stakeholders.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Kenan Institute Asia (Kenan)
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2015-04-15

Cluster Officer (Technical Officer) - Health, Watsan, HIV/AIDS

World Vision Vietnam (WVV) invites competent Vietnamese candidates for the position: Cluster Officer (Technical Officer) - Health, Watsan, HIV/AIDS (1 position), based in Yen Bai province.

Main Responsibilities:

• To support WVV to implement its overall strategic direction to maximize the quality and impact of WVV programs in Health, in the assigned ADPs;
• To lead the process of identifying, developing, testing, implementing and mainstreaming best practices in Health, Watsan, HIV/AIDS in the assigned ADPs;
• To provide technical support, advice, and capacity building opportunities to WVV staff and partners to enhance the quality of Health, Watsan, HIV/AIDS activities;


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
World Vision International Vietnam (WVV)
Yen Bai
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2015-04-15

Cluster Officer - Design, Monitoring and Evaluation (DME) cum Capacity Building

World Vision International - Vietnam invites Vietnamese competent candidates for the following positions:
DIEN BIEN CLUSTER OFFICER – Design, Monitoring and Evaluation (DME) cum Capacity Building (1 position), work base: Dien Bien province.

Main Responsibilities:

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
World Vision International Vietnam (WVV)
Dien Bien
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2015-04-15

Cluster Officer (Technical Officer) – Education

World Vision Vietnam (WVV) invites competent Vietnamese candidates for the position:
Cluster Officer (Technical Officer) – Education (1 position), based in Yen Bai province.

Main Responsibilities:

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
World Vision International Vietnam (WVV)
Yen Bai
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2015-04-15

Project Officer

The University of North Carolina is seeking talented, dedicated and committed individual to join our team in Vietnam to conduct new and exciting research studies in HIV prevention named “Reducing Hazardous Alcohol Use & HIV Viral Load: an RCT in ART Clinics in Vietnam”, a 5-year randomized controlled trial to compare the effects of two evidenced-based behavioral interventions of Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on alcohol use, HIV viral load and HIV risk behaviors among HIV clinic patients. We will conduct ethnographic research, conduct a baseline survey, enroll participants, implement the intervention and follow study participants for about 2 years after enrollment.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2015-04-30

Consultancy for English/Vietnamese Translator for Final Evaluation Climate Smart Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Project

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) promotes the humanitarian activities of RC/RC National Societies among vulnerable people.
By coordinating international disaster relief and encouraging development support it seeks to prevent and alleviate human suffering.
The International Federation, the National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross together constitute the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

IFRC Delegation in Viet Nam is seeking for  

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2015-04-14