
For paid and volunteer vacancies see the list below. The VUFO-NGO Resource Centre also operates the Opportunities mailing list, which sends emails directly to subscribers. Subscribe here.

In order to post a job announcement on this page, members of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre can simply send email to [email protected]. Use a subject line that describes the job, such as "Vacancy for IT advisor", and include a short description of the job in the email body. If possible use website hyperlinks rather than attaching documents. If you attach documents please use PDF or Word format. In total the attachments should not be more than 500 kilobytes in size.

Non-members can join our membership or “associated membership” and post unlimited number of job announcements in one calendar year. Please contact [email protected] to join the membership. Non-members can also choose to pay one-time contribution fee for each advertisement. Send email with your job vacancy to [email protected]. Upon receiving our invoice, make a payment of 25 USD (equivalent in Vietnamese Dong) and email us back with a scanned copy of bank transfer. Your job vacancy will be immediately uploaded on the website.

For the first time, a combo of books "Lọt qua khe cửa hẹp - Passing through small door gap" and "Sống Việt Nam, làm quốc tế - Live locally, work globally" is published to provide NGO job seekers a comprehensive guidance on how to successfully apply for jobs and how to professionally work in NGOs and international organizations.

Link to read the books:;

Consultant to Collect, Analyse Information on Illegal Turtle Trace

Consultancy advertisement


Short-term consultancy

Scope of work:

Collect, analyze information and develop an in-depth analysis on the situation of illegal turtle trade on social media platforms in Viet Nam



I. Background:

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2021-12-06

Consultancy for Supporting the Development of Training Package on Victim Support

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
FHI 360
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2021-11-30

Country Director



Job Title: Country Director, Vietnam
Job Family: Programs
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Job Summary

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
FHI 360
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2021-12-09

Consultant for Conducting Feasibility Study on Rice Straw Processing Technology

Oxfam is a confederation of 21 organizations working together in more than 70 countries. We are part of a global movement for change, empowering people to create a future that is secure, just, and free from poverty.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2021-12-10

Request for Proposals: Enabling Readiness of Electric Vehicle Markets

DAI invites firms to submit a proposal for work to be funded by USAID under the USAID Vietnam Urban Energy Security project.

Please see attached a Request for Proposals (RFP) and accompanying Scope of Work (SOW) for Enabling Readiness of Electric Vehicle Markets, RFP VUES-017.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2021-12-24

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist


Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist




Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) Roundtables


Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist

Report to

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Indonesia, Philippines, or Viet Nam
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2021-12-10

Independent Consultant, USAID Vietnam Sustainable Forest Management Project

Vacancy Announcement

Position: Independent Consultant, USAID Vietnam Sustainable Forest Management Project, RECOFTC Viet Nam

Sub-Activity Code: Prepare plans for forest allocations, land allocations, re-allocation from household-allocated forests to communities (incl. forest inventories and field demarcation)

Duration: 24 days, November 2021 to February 2022

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Sat, 2021-12-04

Program Coordinator

MCNV is a Dutch-based NGO, with an international network working in the fields of health development, social inclusion, livelihood development in responding to climate change, and value chain. Currently MCNV has run 12 projects in 16 provinces of Vietnam.  During the last 20 years, support to People with Disabilities (PWD) has become a main Program of MCNV in Vietnam in high priority. MCNV has a plan of a project focused on Rehabilitation for PWD in several provinces. We are looking for several positions for the project as following:

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2021-12-10

Consultant for Technical Consulting Services on Planning and Implementation

World Vision International Vietnam (WVV) is looking for consultant for Technical consulting services on planning and implementation towards activities to support livelihoods for Victims of human trafficking and potential Victims of human trafficking.

Please find the detailed Terms of Reference in attached file.

Interested consultants are invited to send your updated CV to the email address: [email protected]

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2021-12-10

Administrative Officer/Logistics “ESP”


As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. On behalf of the German Government, GIZ currently provides advisory services to the Government of Viet Nam in three priority areas: Vocational training, Environmental policy and sustainable use of natural resources, and Energy. For further information, please visit

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2021-12-09