Rikolto (Formerly Vredeseilanden - VECO Vietnam)
Short Name
Address Line 1
House No. 4
Address Line 2
249A Thuy Khue Compound
Street - Number and Name
Thuy Khue Street, Tay Ho District
Province – Vietnam
+84-4-6258 3640 / 41
+84-4-6258 3642
Email Address
Contact Person – Vietnam
Ms. Thai Thi Minh, Rikolto Regional Director
Vietnam Website
International Website
International Headquarters
Mission Statement
VECO envisions a world in which family farm-ers claim their rights to create sustainable livelihoods. VECO wants to contribute to viable live-lihoods and empowerment of organized family farmers, male and female, in South and North
History of operations in Vietnam
VECO Vietnam is one of the 8 regional and country offices in Africa, Latin America and Asia of Vredeseilanden, a Belgian NGO for assistance in development. VECO Vietnam wants to contribute to viable livelihoods of organized family farmers. We choose family farmers as the starting point in the pursuit of our vision and mission. We carry out our program through sustainable agriculture chain development (SACD). Income from sustainable agriculture is a key element in livelihood improvement. We contribute to their empowerment to improve their position in the whole agricultural chain, from production to consumption. In these chains consumer demand and markets are driving forces. Therefore, VECO Vietnam facilitates marketing initiatives identified and defined by the farmers. VECO Vietnam maintains a Coordinating Office (CO) in Hanoi City. Currently, field team offices, called ‘Antenna Office’, have been established and operating in the northern part of the country. Lang Son Province: Lang Son City (office location), Van Quan District and Binh Gia District; Phu Tho Province: Viet Tri City (office location) & Yen Lap District (office location); Tuyen Quang Province: Son Duong District (office location).