Research and Technological Exchange Group
Short Name
Address Line 1
Room 401, Block B4
Address Line 2
Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound
Street - Number and Name
298 Kim Ma
Province – Vietnam
+ 84-4-38464493/91
Email Address
Contact Person – Vietnam
Mr. Nguyen Huu Ninh - Representative
Vietnam Website
International Website
International Headquarters
Mission Statement
GRET is a non-profit organization founded in 1976. Our goal is to support sustainable development based on the principles of social justice, equity and economic promotion. GRET is particularly interested in technological and institutional innovations that permit disadvantaged social groups to better meet their objectives in production, processing, marketing or consumption. GRET is also interested in improving their living conditions and in promoting activities and policies that reinforce social ties.
History of operations in Vietnam
Started in 1989 in North Viet Nam, the Red River Program (RRP) is a collaboration between GRET and the Vietnamese Agriculture Science Institute (Agrarian Systems Department). Since 1996 in four representative agro-ecological RRP zones, RRP works on technological innovations and dissemination, and supports farmers' groups organized around services needed for dissemination. From 2000 RRP has worked at strengthening institutional ties between development actors and influencing local government policies. The main project related to was Dialogs project (2003-2005), carried out in five provinces (Bac Kan, Bac NInh, Hai Duong, Vinh Phuc and Phu Tho), in partnership with three other INGO (AFDI, MdM and VECO) and two national partners (VASI and HMU), in a consortium for which GRET was the leading organization. Some main active projects are AID Coop(Institutionnal Support to Cooperatives development), Luong bamboo development (LDP), FASEVIE (nutrition), ComVaW: combating family-based violence against women, Green Future: enhancing the value of bamboo wastes, renewable energy and environment capacities, GREEN Bambou (Gestion des Ressources Environmentales et petites Enterprises Novatrices de la filiere Bambou)