Population Services International, Vietnam
Short Name
PSI Vietnam
Address Line 1
4th Floor, Side B, TOSERCO Building
Address Line 2
Street - Number and Name
273 Kim Ma Street
Province – Vietnam
+84 4 3944 6326
+84 4 3944 6323
Email Address
Contact Person – Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Le Hoa, Country Director
Vietnam Website
International Website
International Headquarters
Mission Statement
To measurebly improve the health of Vietnamese poor and vulnerable population through evidence based social marketing of health products, services, and behavior change communications in collaboration with the government of Vietnam.
History of operations in Vietnam
PSI/Vietnam began operations in early 2005. It has been funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). PSI also receives USAID funding through PACT/Vietnam and core funding from PSI/Washington. Since 2005, PSI’s operations have significantly grown and PSI is currently implementing HIV prevention and safe water programming in 10 provinces across Vietnam.