Environment and Development in Action
Short Name
ENDA Vietnam
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Street - Number and Name
Buu Long, Cu Xa Bac Hai, Ward 15
Ho Chi Minh
Province – Vietnam
+84-8-3970 0243, +84-8-3970 3139
+84-8-3970 3273
Email Address
Contact Person – Vietnam
Mr. Ngo Huy Liem
Vietnam Website
International Website
International Headquarters
Mission Statement
To support the poor communities to improve their living conditions and their environment in urban and rural areas. In cooperation with local authorities and social organisations, ENDA Vietnam works for poverty reduction and environment improvement. To play an active role in searching for and replicating bottom-up approaches and means for sustainable development at all levels, making environmentally friendly and inclusive development possible.
History of operations in Vietnam
1993 -1997: research & establishment of partnership. 1997 – 2000: experimental phase. 2001 – 2010: consolidation and expansion phase. INGO's Programme Description in Vietnam: Promote more integrated community development. Experiment in different cities in Vietnam. Housing alternatives & participatory urban upgrading. Community Development Funds (CDFs). Networking for 8 cities. In all its urban and rural intergrated development projects, enda Vietnam follows 6 main strategic lines of action: 1. active participation of target-groups (urban poor, ethnic minorithies) in the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of projects. 2. an intergrated action-research-training process. 3. constant reference to environmental issues. 4. prioritising local or national resources and competencies. 5. cooperation with local authorities, mass organisations, research institutes, and other INGOs. 6. exchange of experiences within Viet Nam and with other Asian countries. List of publications/reports: one CD and brochure present the solid waste management base on community and Composting project in QuyNhon city, documents about Novib community development projects, one CD present the environment communication manuals