Center for Educational Exchange with Vietnam of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

Short Name


Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Street - Number and Name

61 Phan Chu Trinh




Province – Vietnam


+84-4-3723 6825


+84-4-3723 6827

Email Address

Contact Person – Vietnam

Nguyen Xuan Huong - Office Manager

International Headquarters

Mission Statement

Since 1988, CEEVN has assisted Vietnamese institutions and individuals obtain access to educational opportunities throughout the world. In this work, CEEVN is especially concerned to strengthen linkages between Vietnamese institutions and the international academy and to work with those institutions to provide disadvantaged individuals and communities with opportunities for learning and cultural expression.

History of operations in Vietnam

CEEVN was formally created under the auspices of the Mennonite Central Committee in 1990 in Bangkok, Thailand, although its work had begun informally during 1988. The initial purpose of the Center was to assist Vietnam in gaining access to information and to participate in professional and academic exchanges with countries in Southeast Asia. CEEVN's role during its first years was crucial because the US economic trade embargo on Viet Nam, which began in 1975, was not lifted until 1994. In the same year, CEEVN's administrative office moved from Bangkok to Hanoi and Philadelphia, and CEEVN became a subsidiary of the American Council of Learned Societies Devoted to Humanistic Studies (ACLS). CEEVN was an integral part of the Vietnam Fulbright Exchange Program administered by ACLS from 1992- 2000. During this period CEEVN and the Harvard Institute of International Development (HIID) introduced the competition by merit concept and conducted nation-wide open recruitment. More than 200 Vietnamese professionals completed graduate study with Fulbright scholarships during this period.

Years of operation in Vietnam

Vietnam Programme Description

Projects in Vietnam

Local Partner(s) in Vietnam

National Staff

Expatriate Staff

Budget in USD