Urgent meeting of Disaster Management Working Group
Typhoon number 5 or NESAT will land to Vietnam during Friday evening or week-end. Desaster management Working Group call for an urgent meeting on typhoon response preparedness with the current situation to update on what are contingency plans and available resources from DMWG members in case that there is a request for additional support especially in carrying out joint rapid assessment.
Main topics of urgent meeting:
4.Short update on typhoon NESAT and flood situations by CCFSC staff
5.Develop a detail DMWG contingency plan for response preparedness to typhoons and Mekong flood in join rapid assessment on including who, what, how and when for next two weeks time
6.24hour/7 days contact persons from Paccom and CCFSC, DMWG members for cooperation and coordination.
Further information, please contact the new Chairman Dang Van Tao
Programme Manager, Disaster Risk Reduction
Vietnam Country Office - IFRC at [email protected]