Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management (SANRM) Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group. The detail agenda are as below:

1. Setting the context for SANRM in Vietnam   
a.     Vietnam Green Growth Action Plan (GGAP) 2014-2020
b.     Goal and Objectives of the SANRM Working Group
c.      Challenges and Opportunities in SANRM
2. Proposed Action Plan 2014: Themes and Activities

Further information, please contact the Group Chairman Mr. Eduardo A. Sabio Ph.D.
Regional Representative in Vietnam
Vredeseilanden (VECO)
No. 4, 249A Thuy Khue Compound
Thuy Khue St., Tay Ho District
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84)4-6258-3640/41
Fax: (84)4-6258-3642
Mobile: +841652384119
Email: [email protected]