Discussion on “Taking action together to end early child marriage and prevent human trafficking for ethnic minority children youth through using digital space”

The EMPoWR project “Ethnic minority girls, boys, young women and men use the digital space to understand and claim their rights, access support services and raise their voice towards policy makers” that is co-financed by the European Union (EU) and Plan International Belgium (2020-2023) and co-implemented by the Institute for Social Develeopment Studies and Plan International in Vietnam. The Project is approved by The VUSTA under the Decision No. 568/QDD-IHHVN dated 24/06/2020.

The EMPoWR project is sited in 52 communes of 11 districts of 4 provices Ha Giang, Lai Chau, Quang Binh and Quang Tri. The main objective is to enable ethnic minority girls, boys and young women and men (age 10 to 24 years) to use the digital space to learn online safety skills, understand and claim their rights, access support services and raise their voice towards policy makers.

Em Vui platform is the core action of the EMPoWR project. The platform Em Vui includes the link https://emvui.vn, application and 06 social media channels with the name Em Vui as Facebook, Tiktok, Zalo, Youtube, Instagram and Twitter.  

From 13:30 to 17:00, 16 March 2022 (Wednesday) ISDS in cooperation with Plan Internation Vietnam organizes the Discussion  on “Taking action together to end early child marriage and prevent human trafficking for ethnic minority children youth through using digital space”. Members of Child Rights Working Group (CRWG) are cordially invited. The main objective of the discussion is to share the initial results with lessons learnt and together discuss about a joint action plan. 

Dearest colleagues are cordially invited to share view and contribute opinions and ideas to promote the Em Vui platform, and together buid up an immediate joint action plan among our CRWG network.

Please kindly click here for official invitation letter in Vietnamese with agenda. English version is attached here for reference.

Link to the meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 588 701 9355
Passcode: 123456

Please kindly confirm your participation by 16/3/2022 to Ms. Hoang Bich Ngoc at 0969 226 363. Email: [email protected]