CCWG monthly meeting in April

The monthly Climate change Working group meeting in April will be held up at 2:00PM as usual on 7th April 2011. The agenda is belows:




1.      Review minutes and action points from last meeting March 2011

-          CCWG planning for 2011



2.      Update from the thematic groups on their recent activities

·  ABC 

·  Mitigation 

·  Adaptation to update on mainstreaming guidelines and CBA workshop, mainstreaming DRR and VCA into SEDP


3.      Sharing of International Conference on CBA in Bangladesh


4.      Sharing  of SIDA training program: “Climate change – Water Resources”


5.      Share and summary by CCWG members and representatives in relevant activities and event

·         Capacity Building project hosted by SRD: “Climate change and sustainable development”

·         MPI/DPI consultation meeting in Northern region by CARE

·         Update of Southern voice project: joint advocacy strategy, coordinator

·         Recent meeting between CCWG and MONRE

·         Climate Change Legislation and Strategy - Implementing Action: UK and Vietnamese experiences by British Embassy, MONRE and Live & Learn

·         Development of CBDRM guideline

·         Update of National Strategy on climate change

·         ELAN consultation workshop

·         Others


6.      Other business and upcoming events update and thematic groups plan