Training course on Climate change in Yen Bai province
From 10 to 15 of April, 2010, trainees of TOT (training for trainers) courses on climate change under the Project on Capacity Building on Climate Change for Civil Society Organisations (CCCB project) will participate in a training course on climate change in Yen Bai as co-trainers.
The training course is co-organized by the CCCB project and the Project on Community Development and Awareness Enhancement being implemented in 5 communes of 3 districts in Yen Bai province by the Centre for Sustainable Development for Mountainous Communities (SUDECOM). As scheduled, Doctor Truong Quang Hoc, the group leader of the expert group drafting TOT manual on climate change will act as the main lecturer. There will be four other trainees of the TOT courses of the CCCB project taking the role of co-trainers.
The training course in Yen Bai will see the attendance of staff from SUDECOM, local members of the Steering Committee of the Community Development and Awareness Enhancement Project and some other relevant agencies at the locality such as Centre for Agricultural Extension, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Department of Forestry.
It is intended that upon the course, trainees will be equipped with basic knowledge of climate change, its impact, adaptation and mitigation measures in response to disasters caused by climate change. Trainees are also expected to be able to apply such knowledge in training and communication activities at locality.
This is the first training course with the involvement of trainees of the TOT courses on climate change under the CCCB project, which affirms the good quality of TOTs and the trust of non-governmental communities in potential trainers of such courses. Through this training course, potential trainers will have a chance to apply and enhance their knowledge of climate change and training skills, which in turn makes great contribution to better awareness for local non-governmental organizations and community.
For more information about the course and involved experts, please contact the following address:
Mr. Vu The Thuong
Training officer
The Project Capacity Building on Climate Change for Civil society organisations
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development
Add: No. 56, lane 19/9, Kim Dong, Hanoi
Tel: 043 9436676
Email: [email protected]