Thematic Group: Climate Change Awareness and Behaviour Change


Rationale:   An informed public will make wiser decisions in its response to climate change.


The Awareness and Behaviour Change sub-group are motivated by the realization that climate change is closely linked to poverty and vulnerability and that it affects different social groups in different ways. Our target groups include poor and vulnerable groups, the general public, policy makers, and also the specific needs and interests of international and local non-governmental organisation communities—including our own networks and organizations. Since we ourselves also consume fossil fuels and contribute to climate change in limited but distinct ways, our own knowledge and behavior also needs to be “climate-smart.” We are exploring ways that our organizations can network together and integrate certain climate change activities, for instance linkages between rural and urban areas.


The Awareness and Behaviour Change thematic group seeks to raise awareness about climate change throughout society, the state, as well as within our organizations, on the basis that an informed public will make wiser decisions on the response to climate change. Broader knowledge and improved practices among the general public will lead to greater support for the needs of poor and vulnerable people in Vietnam.


Overall objective
The Awareness and Behaviour Change thematic group seeks to raise awareness about climate change throughout Vietnamese society, as well as within organisations, including developing “climate smart” approaches to non-governmental organisation projects and activities.


1. To disseminate information on climate change as widely as possible

2. To establish and maintain contacts with Vietnamese non-governmental organisations, International non-governmental

    organisations and government ministries that are involved in climate change

3. To work closely with media and press agencies to encourage greater focus on climate change news

4. To promote improved coordination between educational institutions and teachers, and develop materials targeted at the

    wider community


Awareness-raising activities
1. Create inventory and/or conduct research regarding existing knowledge

2. Conduct awareness-raising among government agencies, including establishing links with the international support group

    natural resources and environment (policy group)

3. Raise awareness of media regarding climate change

4. Facilitate green actions among non-governmental organisations and Youth – e.g. green transport weeks, youth outreach

    green camps etc.

5. Provide input to schools to increase climate change in education curriculums


Behaviour change activities
1. Support non-governmental organisation efforts to become climate smart, conduct carbon audits
2. Raise profile of “climate smart” organisations and promote internal organisational climate change related reform.


Active member organisations: 
Awareness and Behaviour Change lead organisation from 2009: Action for the City

CRS, CARITAS, Action for the City, VVOB. Live and Learn, Climate Protection Campaign


Further reading

Climate Change Working Group Awareness and Behaviour Change thematic group Terms of Reference

Climate Change Working Group Awareness and Behaviour Change thematic group action plan

Climate Change Working Group Awareness and Behaviour Change meeting minutes 2008