Seven Large Hospitals Pollute Hanoi Environment
The Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment’s Environment Administration has publicized seven large hospitals that are polluting environment in Hanoi. The polluting hospitals include Hanoi Obstetrics Hospital, Dong Da Polyclinic, Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital, K Hospital, Central Obstetrics Hospital, Son Tay Polyclinic and Thanh Nhan Hospital. The hospitals are listed among 13 seriously environmental polluters that will be fined in the city this year, a latest investigation over hospitals and factories by the Environment Administration showed. Of the institutions, some were listed on the blacklist six years ago, but they persist in their harmful activities, including Hanoi Obstetrics Hospital, Dong Da Polyclinic, Hanoi Alcohol JSC and Hanoi Textile-Garment JSC. Hanoi authorities also asked the municipal Department of Natural Resources and Environment to impose fines on these polluters and check all organizations with environment certificates.