This page contains a collection of Information and Communication Technologies for Development weblinks, including toolkits, information resources and Free Open Source Software (FOSS) downloads. We do not accept any responsibility for the information content or information quality nor do we accept any responsibility for the software downloaded, inclusive of any issues you may have on installing this software or support you may require for it.
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Information Technology Tools
"The base Edition of NGO-in-a-box is a collection of essential tools for running a small-to-medium sized NGO. You can use this toolkit to set up and coordinate your office, organise and manage projects, collaborate online and support your campaigns. The Box contains a set of peer-reviewed Free and Open Source Software tools, with associated guides and tutorials, giving you the technical foundations to build upon." (Source: TacticalTech)
"Mobiles in-a-box is a collection of tools, tactics, how-to guides and case studies designed to help advocacy and activist organisations use mobile technology in their work. Mobiles in-a-box is designed to inspire you, to present possibilities for the use of mobile telephony in your work and to introduce you to some tools which may help you. After reading the material in this toolkit you can expect to be able to design and implement a mobile advocacy strategy for your organisation." (Source: TacticalTech)
"Security in-a-box is a collaborative effort of the Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line. It was created to meet the digital security and privacy needs of advocates and human rights defenders. Security in-a-box includes a How-to Booklet, which addresses a number of important digital security issues. It also provides a collection of Hands-on Guides, each of which includes a particular freeware or open source software tool, as well as instructions on how you can use that tool to secure your computer, protect your information or maintain the privacy of your Internet communication." (Source: TacticalTech)
"The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open-source community."
Open source multimedia player: Videolan
"VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework, that plays most multimedias files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols. It is simple to use, yet very powerful and extendable."
The Moodle Course Management System, also known as a Learning Management System or a Virtual Learning Environment, is a free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites.
ICT for Development Working Group blog
The ICT for Development Working Group's blog, which was active in 2008, contains links to many useful ICT tools.
Communication Tools
Message in-a-box is a set of strategic guides to using communications tools for social change, together with a suite of open source tools to get you making your own media. The toolkit is designed for small and medium-sized NGOs, advocates, and citizen journalists to help them create and distribute content for their advocacy efforts while exploring the constantly evolving world of campaigning and communications.
Communicating research for evidence-based policymaking
A practical guide for researchers in socio-economic sciences and humanities.
“…identified the key priorities for deepening communication and strengthening the transfer of knowledge and experience between research and policymaking. This publication is designed to offer an easy-to-read guide which identifies the most important stages in the development of a dynamic communication strategy and which will ensure that the projects funded under the Framework Programmes make a real difference in enabling policymakers to respond to the significant challenges we face. Divided into three parts – Concept, Policy Briefs and Practical Means – this guide is intended to help exploit research concepts into genuine policy action…..”
CIVICUS - World Alliance for Citizen Participation
According the the Civicus website, "CIVICUS has developed a collection of toolkits on communication and planning in civil society organisations (CSOs). In addition, it has compiled a collection of toolkits from other organizations that may be useful to CSOs." The toolkits are:
CIVICUS Better Communications and Planning Toolkits
- Writing Effectively and Powerfully
- Writings Within Your Organisation
- Producing Your Own Media
- Handling the Media
- Promoting Your Organisation
- Planning Overview
- Action Planning
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Strategic Planning
- Developing a Financing Strategy
- Financial Controls and Accountability
- Writing a Funding Proposal
- Budgeting
- Internal Communication Toolkit
CIVICUS Managing communication and planning in civil society organizations (CSO) toolkits
This weblink includes both Civicus toolkits and toolkits from other organisations, such as:
- Non-Profit Management Resources
- Capacity Building for Local NGOs - Guidance Manual for Good Practice
- Software and Management Tools for Non-Profit Organisations
- Community Problem Solving
- Online Open Source Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
CIVICUS Legitimacy, Accountability and Transparency Toolkits
CIVICUS Communication and Media toolkits
CIVICUS Fundraising and Financial Management Toolkits
CIVICUS Gender Toolkits
- Facilitator Guide for Gender Training
- Gender Mainstreaming in Practice: A Handbook
- Gender and Change in the Organisational Culture: Tools to Construct a Gender Sensitive Organisation
- Human Rights
- Environment
- Human Trafficking
General Non-Governmental Organisation Links
- Global Policy Forum - Links and Resources on NGOs
- Eldis - ICT for Development
- The Barefoot Guide - Online guide to working with organisations and social change.
- The NGO Café - Kickstart an NGO: Strategies, tools, evaluations and other resources for an NGO