National Consultant to Develop GEF Portfolios on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) in Vietnam
UNDP Vietnam is seeking for a national consultant to develop GEF portfolios on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) in Vietnam
POP is one of the focal areas of GEF support and is the area that the national consultant must focus on his/her study.
The tasks of the National Consultant (NC) is to undertake the review of Viet Nam GEF portfolios in POP, develop a proposed GEF portfolio on POP and contribute to the development of an action plan for the coming GEF cycle - the period 2010-2014 - in a technically sound, timely and transparent fashion and according to the required standard. The NC is also expected to provide his/her inputs to capacity need assessment of the key GEF stakeholders in his/her working area and in the development of a manual for GEF application process.
Full solicitation documents can be obtained by visiting UN or UNDP website at:
Interested candidates are requested to submit the most updated CV and financial offer to:
Email: [email protected]
Procurement Unit, UNDP Viet Nam
Deadline: 30 Jun 2010