National Consultant to Develop GEF Portfolios on Natural Resources
UNDP Vietnam is seeking for a national consultant to develop GEF portfolios on Natural Resources in Vietnam
Natural Resources in this study means biodiversity, land degradation and international waters – the fields that are identified as focal areas of GEF support under the STAR and are the areas that the national consultant must focus on his/her study.
The tasks of the National Consultant (NC) is to undertake the review of the Viet Nam GEF portfolios in natural recourses; develop portfolio and contribute to the development of an Action Plan for Natural Resources for the coming GEF cycle - the period 2010-2014 - in a technically sound, timely and transparent fashion and according to the required standard. The NC is also expected to provide his/her inputs to Capacity Needs Assessment of key GEF stakeholders in his/her working area and in the development of a manual for GEF application process.
Full solicitation documents can be obtained by visiting UN or UNDP website at:
Interested candidates are requested to submit the most updated CV and financial offer to:
Email: [email protected]
Procurement Unit, UNDP Viet Nam
Deadline: 30 Jun 2010