Japan to Provide More ODA for Vietnam This Year
The Japanese government pledged over JPY100 billion ($1.22 billion) in official development assistance (ODA) for Vietnam in the first half of 2010 fiscal year, equivalent to the figure of 2009. The Japanese ODA to Vietnam in the second half will far exceed the figure, Deputy President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Kenzo Oshima said, but did not disclose the specific sum. Vietnam needs a lot of money for economic development, especially infrastructure projects, he added, emphasized that Japan’s ODA to the country is second only to that of India. Japan will prioritize the loans for improving competitiveness capacity, social development and narrowing the rich and poor, urban and rural division in the country, the official noted. The Japanese loans are expected to help Southeast Asian become industrial country by 2020. Japan is now the largest bilateral donor of Vietnam with roughly $16 billion committed to the country, accounting for one third of the country’s pledged ODA. (VNS Nov 11 p4, www.vietnamplus.vn Nov 10)