IPCC Scholarship Programme

The IPCC Scholarship Programme has been established with the funds received on the occasion of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize award to the IPCC. The first funding partner of the Programme is Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Norwegian Prime Minister and UN Special Envoy on Climate Change. The goal of this programme is to help strengthen the scientific and technical capability in developing countries to contribute to climate science and research and to develop and implement climate change policies and measures at the domestic and international level. It aims to provide a sound knowledge base and stimulate institutional strengthening in developing countries. Priorities will include research on climate processes, the impacts of climate change in the most vulnerable regions of the world, the potential for adaptation and mitigation, and sustainable development.

Criteria for the IPCC Scholarship Programme
Target candidates:
Graduate and post-graduate students from developing countries, especially Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), wishing to:
- Pursue academic education and training;
- Undertake advanced research;
- Upgrade skills.

Priority attention:
Candidates from developing countries, especially those from Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and the regions worst hit by droughts, floods, famine and changed patterns of precipitation

Entrance Requirements:
- University degree (BSc, MSc or PhD)•
- Younger than 40 years of age

Additional qualifications:
- Applicants must have exceptional merit, and have demonstrated that they possess outstanding potential to address climate change and sustainable development issues in their country.
- Equal opportunity will be given to equally qualified women

Language proficiency:
Candidates must be proficient in reading, writing and speaking the language of instruction in the proposed country of study.

Fields of study:
Proposals for this round of scholarships should focus on the following fields of study:
- Underlying science of climate change
- Impacts of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, water availability, health and agriculture
- Climate-related disaster management – institutional and organizational issues (this is of crucial importance in some of the most vulnerable societies)
- Climate modelling and assessment of impacts of climate change
- Adaptation and Mitigation options for different sectors and assessment of socioeconomic implications.

Conditions for the IPCC Scholarship Programme
How to apply:
Completed application form(s) should be sent by 31 July 2010 to the:
IPCC Secretariat
C/o World Meteorological Organization 7bis Avenue de la Paix
C.P. 2300 CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Phone : (4122) 730-8208 / 54 / 84 Fax : (4122) 730-8025 / 13 Email: [email protected]
Incomplete applications, as well as candidatures that do not fulfil the requirements will be disqualified.

Duration of study:
Normally between one year and 18 months, subject to satisfactory progress during the period of study. A report through the student’s supervisor is required to be sent to the Science Board every six months. All scholars are also required to submit a final report. Requests for renewal will require that students submit an application for renewal, explaining the reason(s) for continuation, and including a detailed work programme. Renewals may be awarded by the Science Board based on the scholar’s performance during the first scholarship period. In order to evaluate such requests, the Science Board will: 1) check for satisfactory reports submitted through the supervisor, and 2) evaluate the student’s application for renewal.

Dates of study:
Awards will be granted in the fourth quarter of 2010. Students should commence studies as soon as possible thereafter.

Programme of study:
Applicants should specify the type of study/research programme(s) they wish to undertake, consistent with the topics mentioned under the section entitled “Fields of Study”, and draw up a precise and comprehensive proposal. The proposal should also indicate how the study aims to contribute towards strengthening the capacity of the country or region of origin to address climate change matters. This proposal could also be prepared in collaboration with an academic host institution.
Although it is preferable for applicants to indicate their proposed host institution, applicants can also apply for a scholarship without indicating a precise host institution in their proposal. In this case, the IPCC Scholarship Programme’s Science Board may be able to suggest an adequate host institution based on the student’s capabilities and specific proposal.
If the student would like to suggest a particular host institution then he/she must clearly indicate in their application form the institution’s address, the place of study as well as the name of the contact person (including his/her phone and fax numbers as well as e-mail address) for the institution. The student should obtain a letter of invitation from the preferred host institution early in the process, so that this letter can be presented to the Science Board before the awards are assigned.1
Countries of study within the same region as that of the candidate’s should be given preference. One of the aims of the IPCC scholarship programme is to establish partnerships amongst developing country research institutions that would continue beyond the duration of the scholarship. Partnerships between developing and developed country institutions will also be considered, if appropriate for the proposed programme of study.

Estimated costs:
In their application, the applicant should indicate the following:
1 Students will only attend one host institution; however they may want to indicate more than one preferred institution in their application form. If so, they would need to request a letter of invitation from each institution which they have indicated as being an option.
Tuition fees at the preferred host institution2
Estimated travel costs
Subsistence and other costs
Scholarship amount:
With a view to ensuring equitable distribution of funds, the IPCC Scholarship Programme
applies standard rates for stipend and other entitlements.
The applicant should submit a detailed cost estimate for the duration of the studies. For one year, the maximum cost for living expenses only should not exceed US $20,0003. It is expected that host institutions will grant tuition fees; otherwise the programme will provide the tuition fees. The scholarship should cover all expenses for students carrying out their studies and research in most parts of the world for the study period. Should the proposed study programme need additional funds, other sources must be sought by the candidate to ensure completion of studies. Written confirmation issued by other funding sources will be required.

Insurance and liabilities:
IPCC and WMO do not accept any responsibility for the insurance of the scholar/beneficiary, nor for costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an IPCC scholarship programme. Applicants for scholarships must prove to the satisfaction of the IPCC Secretariat that they have adequate medical and accident insurance coverage, as well as other insurance deemed necessary. Candidates who have no access to health and accident insurance may wish to contact the IPCC Secretariat for guidance.
The IPCC and WMO shall not be responsible for any claims by any parties in the case of the loss of, or damage to, property, or if death or personal injury occurs as a result of actions or omissions on the part of the scholar during the scholarship programme.

Evaluation of applications:
The Science Board of the IPCC Scholarship Programme will evaluate the technical and substantive suitability of the request. The budget for a scholarship is examined and confirmed in conformity with the standard rates applied by the United Nations system.

Selection of beneficiaries:
The Science Board of the IPCC Scholarship Programme will examine each application with a view to ensuring conformity with the strategic objectives and programme priorities, an appropriate match with the programme’s research focus, equitable geographical distribution and transparency.
2 Host institutions will be invited to contribute to the programme as academic partners by covering tuition
3 For shorter or longer periods, the maximum amount will be adapted accordingly. For example, for 6 months, the maximum Scholarship amount (living expenses only) will be US $10,000, and for 18 months, the maximum Scholarship amount (again for living expenses only) will not exceed US $30,000.

Moreinfo: http://www.ipcc.ch/ipcc-scholarship-programme/ipcc_scholarshipprogramme....