Introducing the Australian Scholarships for Development in Vietnam Program
This letter is to introduce the Australian Scholarships for Development in Vietnam (ASDiV) Program. The ASDiV Program is key component of the Australia-Vietnam Development Cooperation Program funded through the Australian International Aid Agency (AusAID) in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Training.
In Vietnam the ASDiV Program manages two scholarship programs, the Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) and the Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) under the Australian Government’s international scholarship program – the Australia Awards.
The ADS scholarship program aims to respond to the priority human resource development needs of Vietnam and in doing so contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction.
Under the ADS program in Vietnam, 225 scholarships at Masters, Doctorate and Undergraduate (in exceptional circumstances) levels will be awarded each year for eligible candidates. This is a 50% increase in the number of scholarships over previous years. This year, the ADS applications will open on 15 June and close on 30 July 2010.
Under the ADS program, special attention is being focused on developing human resource capacity in rural areas, especially in provinces with high levels of poverty and a large ethnic minority population. Thus a significant proportion of scholarships are to be awarded to qualified applicants, from both government and non-government sectors, whose work in the provinces contributes to economic development, improved governance and better services for the rural poor. There will be five Profiles of applicants of which Profile 2 suits staff of NGOs
With this in view ADSiV are planning to make a briefing information on 11 June at 9:00 am at Army Hotel 33 C Pham Ngu Lao in order to introduce the ADS program to NGO human resource officers and other interested parties from the non-government sector. (Contact person for confirmation: Ms. Nguyen Thu Hien. Email [email protected]. Tel : (04) 39393991