International Consultants for the Service of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Methodology and Implementation Capacity Building

For your information, UNDP Viet Nam is seeking qualified international consultants for the service of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Methodology and Implementation Capacity Building

The PECSME Project achieved its goals of curbing the annual growth rate of GHG emissions by addressing the technical capacity weaknesses and by improving the industrial process components in five selected SME sectors (i) Brick-Making; (ii) Ceramic; (iii) Textile; Food-Processing, and (v) Pulp & Paper. In addition to providing technical support to small- and medium-scale enterprises and Energy Efficiency Service Providers (EESP), the PECSME project includes a set of activities with the aim of proceeding to sustainable EC market transformation and speeding up the investment process in priority industrial sectors.

In accordance with the PECSME objective, the whole project should result in a significant impact on GHG emissions reduction in priority industrial sectors. The cumulative impact of EC projects from 2006 to 2010 was estimated at about 600 ktons CO2 mostly by two priority sectors: Brick and Ceramic sectors.

The PECSME project will end in October 2010 and the UNDP and PMU intend to provide the energy efficiency sector with a sustainable financial mechanism to support EC activities in a number of GHG emission-intensive priority industrial sectors after the PECSME project will be over. The Clean Development Mechanism has been identified as a potential financial mechanism the PMU would like to explore.

At this point in time, about one year before the PECSME will be completed; the PMU intends to recruit an International Consultant experienced in outlining the CDM strategy and screening opportunities to provide the stakeholders with a special training related to CDM methodology, Projects Bundling Modalities and Additionalities, GHG emissions Baseline, Monitoring and Verification Methodology, CER Issuance and cost-effectiveness calculation/analysis. In addition the training delivery must deal with issues of CDM Program Implementation Process: procedures and guidelines.

Scope of Work at a glance
In order to strengthening the identified weaknesses, the CDM capacity building activity will be as a introductory training in regards to development and implementation of the CDM methodology and CER issuance resulting from EC projects in some selected priority sectors.

Qualified internationals are invited to submit an updated CV, copies of relevant degrees and financial offer to : Le Tuyet Sinh (Ms.) at email: [email protected]

The deadline for submission is 12 October 2009

Please visit website: for more details

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Ha Noi
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2009-10-12